Wednesday, October 13, 2010

the last few weeks of school

The last few weeks of my uni life are here. I still can't believe that i can actually say that now. 5 years of studying for my degree is coming to an end, 6 years of my life in melbourne is coming to an end. Wow just the thought of it is scary and weird at the same time. I wouldn't say that time has passed very quickly because it has been a rather long time and its time to step into a new phase of life. I'm both excited and worried at the same time! But for now, there is just SO MUCH to study and so little time! I pray that the Lord will help me get through the next two months, to study hard and do my best for my last ever university exam! I need discipline, determination and alot of hard work the next few weeks and I shall do my best and pray that the Lord will guide me throughout this whole process. I've accumulated lots of memories here in Melbourne, as i think back abt my last 6 years, i realise its been a really really long journey that is filled with laughter, tears, anger, loneliness and many more emotions. I've experienced alot, I've learnt independence, I've learnt to live on my own and survive on my own. I thank the people I love for all the support and care that they have showered upon me, for without all of that it would have been so difficult. Anyway, I shall write more once my exams are over, but for now in order to put a good end to all these memories, i need to study hard and end it all with a BANG! jiayou jiayou jaslyn!!! you can do it!!!! =)

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