hey everyone!
This is my last post of my trinity year 2005. And im elated to say I managed to fulfill my dream of ending the year with a BANG! Yes, i finally got what ive been eagerly and anxiously waiting and hoping for. To enter into my dream course Law and Commerce. As i reflect back on my year in trinity, i cant help but have so many events and memories flash through my head. Both positive and negative. I remember vividly 13th february ,the day i left singapore . The day i had earlier feared to face, yes it has always been my dream to study overseas but honestly, i did not expect to leave so soon at the tender age of 16. Yes 16, what would a normal 16 year old be doing?... Going to jc. But yet the path i chose was not the usual one , in fact a completely different one. I chose to spend my college year at trinity. Everyone felt I was too young to study overseas, i definitely shared the same sentiments. There were so many questions running through my head. Was i doing the right thing? Or was it just a moment of impulse that i would live to regret? I didnt know what laid before me and i was filled with uncertainty and immense fear. I remember hugging my brother so tightly the day i left. I cried my heart out. The thought that i would not see him for the next 6 mths proved too much for me to bear. I remember bidding my last goodbye before heading for the departure gate. Was that it? i asked myself. I breathed the last Singapore air and embraced what laid ahead of me. Yes that marked the start of my journey. In fact the hardest moment was when my parents were going to leave me all by myself in melbourne. I was going to be all alone in a foreign land. Having to fend for myself in everything. I had to learn to survive all by myself. Cooking , grocery shopping , laundry and so on. All of which i will dare to testify that ive never done any of these chores in my whole life. yes, i was going to do what seemed like the impossible. I knew that i chose the path and that no matter what i had to stick to it and complete my year. That would be the least i could do to repay the expectations and hope of my loved ones back home. The first term passed by at the blink of an eye. The work load was little and i was having a blast . April was when mum and brendan came to visit. It was a great two weeks spent with them. But soon i found myself all alone again, embracing the second term. That was when the work load started getting much heavier. It was quite a struggle but i managed to go through those tough times. Then it was back to Singapore. Yes, i cant explain how much i looked forward to coming back in june. I was so excited for i hadn't been home for six months and i could not wait to see my loved ones esp dad cos i hadnt seen him since feb. And trust me it really is a long long time. I loved the june hols but the hardest part was returning to melbourne. I remember being so homesick in june when i returned. To make matters worse the weather was madly cold and the work load was so heavy. Everything seemed so bleak and i was in pure misery. But with God's help and my family's support i managed to survive those few mths. However. i fell terribly ill at the end of term three just two weeks before my exam. I was in fact so ill that i could hardly get out of bed. I was running a terribly high fever and i was weak all over. I was in a complete state of disaster. I remember needing to study so badly yet i didnt have the energy too. That was when mum got really worried and decided to fly over. Thanks to her i managed to get high marks for my exam and i recovered really well. I came back again in sept cos i was too homesick and i wanted to recharge my energy before the most crucial term.. term 4. Term four proved to be a challenge both physically and mentally. I remember having to juggle drama practices and studying for my exam. Mum came over to cook and take care of me during the exam period. And it was so awesome having her as company and support when i was feeling down , stressed and tired. Thanks so much mum.
This is just a brief summary of the significant events of the year. But this year has indeed been a very memorable one. Ive indeed learnt alot . And with God's grace im able to pursue my dream course. I want to thank everyone esp my family for all the support and love they showered upon me this year. I could not have done this without all of you. It was a tough decision made on everyones part but im so glad that everything turned out so well and in fact ive learnt so much from this enriching experience. I believed in my dream and it has FINALLY COME TRUE =) Im so happy . With determination and hard work we can realise our dreams. I look forward to university life. And i embrace what lies ahead of me.
Sunday, December 25, 2005
Sunday, November 06, 2005
prom pictures!
Saturday, November 05, 2005
Its prom tonight!
Yes its prom tonight! haha except this prom is slightly different. No hot guys or hot dates. Just a dinner , well a formal one. Cant believe prom is here . I remember talking abt it like a month ago and was like saying " oh prom is in one months time" and now how time flies and its prom tonight. Well, i wont be going to any shop to do makeup and my hair. Im just gonna do it myself. Its like DIY night. ha. I may go for a movie after the dinner. Im not sure. BUt i really do wanna watch Elizabethtown. Looks like a cute romantic show. Exams are in two weeks! or slightly more but AH!! yeah i feel guilty cos i think im slack tonight and all. I really must pull up my socks for the next two weeks and really chiong!! The thing that pushes me to go on is the fact that im gonna have a ball of a time in singapore when i get back. HA mayday concert , christmas barbecue..outing with my classmates and all. WHoa yes i cant wait at all. But like everything, i must suffer first before i can enjoy. Everyone pray for me that ill pass this exam with flying colours. Get my required percentage and all. The year is ending soon and my trinity year is ending , how fast. Yeah but i really wanna end this year with a bang! like do well and everything. I really need alot of self-discipline to persevere. Not get distracted and just do my utmost best for this last lap. Im almost there already i just need to push harder for the last bend. Pls pray for me that ill have the will, determination and discipline to study hard. Any encouragement is very very much needed!!! I know i can do this , yes i know i can !! Anyway on another note, its brendan's birthday tomorrow!! haha yes and he is turning 20.. he is gonna lose his teens... ha. anyway ill decide later whether ill post any prom pics ( it depends whether i look good =P) . I love everyone and hope to see everyone soon!!
Thursday, October 06, 2005
life? a journey of challenges.
Life is a journey filled with obstacles . Sometimes i wonder why there must be so many obstacles in life. At times i question what God has planned for me. I wonder why he lets certain things happen and why it must happen at certain times. But God has been gracious. Yes, he has been. I remember my drama last term was such a challenge . Yeah it was a great challenge. And at that time i thoughtt, oh no Im gonna be dead, i dont think i can score this time round. But yet God does miraculous things. IN fact , i did well for drama because my teacher gave me extra marks for my work cos she recognised the effort i put in. These are the little things that God does in his own special way , which both you and i will never be able to comprehend. Everything happens in his own time. Yet, on a darker note. Certain things dont turn out as good as you had hoped it to be. Yes, the normal emotions of sadness, hopelessness and all. You wonder why God made it happen. No one knows but only God knows. Often , i have to constantly remind myself that God has perfect plans for me , that i must trust him. Sometimes i fear for what may come , i fear that things dont turn out the way i want it to. Yet, all these are beyond my control. Im uncertain abt what my future is. No one is anyway. I can only P.U.S.H. I can only pray until something happens that God will help me to achieve the things i want to and that he will guide and lead me in his way. I must change this fear into strength. I will just do my best and not try too hard. I know the consequences of trying too hard. The results are bitter. I will just do everything i can and hope for the best. This entry seems to be like im talking to myself. Maybe i am. Trying to remind myself and get myself on the right track. Yet, its also to share with you my inner thoughts . Im sure everyone has felt this way before. Unsure abt what lies ahead. But yet im sure there is a light at the end of a dark tunnel. Yes, im heading towards that light for i have faith that as long as i believe in the plans God has for me , i will be fine .
Monday, October 03, 2005
Back here and nice MAZDA RX 8
hey everyone! im back in melbourne again. I had a great two weeks in singapore. A good break. Its back to the books now , another two months of school and ill be going back to singapore. I shall do my utmost best in this two months. DAd, i really like the mazda sports car!! I think its so so nice . YOu should get it. I heard its manual. Well, the should inspire me to learn driving and manual in fact. It will be really fun. A new car and all. The doors are really cool. Yes im gushing over this car. Dad we need a change!!!! haha. anyway back to where i was. I'm glad that i had the opporunity to see my brother march with all his platoon mates and all. Everyone looked so *guai* and all. I guess army does do good. It turns boys into men. THus my conclusion is that it is essential for all guys to do NS. haha. I just had my dinner.r Jesters pies was what i had. Yes i realise i tend to eat alot less here than in singapore, which may not be a bad thing. Went to church in the morning then did a bit of grocery shopping then came back and slept. Yes im still kinda tired and all. Trying to adjust to life here i guess. Thats pretty much what i did today. Realised i do alot less stuff here than in singapore. Maybe cos there isnt the convenience of the car. Yes the car. Gosh wish i could drive. Speaking of which dad, its really nice the car. OK, im being really repetitive here but yeah i realised the older people get the more sporty they wanna be. haha. But hey that car is cool. I shall post a picture of it. Anyway, two more days and it POP for my bro. " GOODBYE GOODBYE THIS IS A POP LULLABYE " . Yes this song is stuck in my head. Its a great song. Really catchy , ive listened to it so many times here i have already memorised the lyrics. =) anyway i hope everyone is doing well ! Take care and God bless you all !!!

Wednesday, September 07, 2005
hello everyone. Ive never been this ill before. Ive been ill for more than a week already. With sore throat, fever and running nose. In fact, my fever keeps escalating up until it reached 39 degrees this morning. So much so that i had to go and see the doctor. He just kept saying "not good..not good". He said i caught a virus. Its influenza or something. Yes how timely when my exams are next week. I do feeel very very horrible. He asked me whether i needed an mc for yesterday and today and i told him i only missed school today then he asked if i needed mc for last week cos he thought i missed school and i said i went to school. Then he was like " whoa, you were so sick and you still went to school? You're a very brave girl". Honestly i hate to miss school and the thought that i missed school today totally sucks. My whole body is aching and i think this is the most sick ive ever been in my whole life. And it sucks even more when you have to deal with it yourself. No family members and all. Yes, i am in a miserable state. But im trying really hard to fight off this sickness. In fact, the doctor asked me when i needed an mc and i said that i only needed it for today. Then he said "no no no, ill give you mc till fridaY.you need it." No i cant afford that. Ive eap in class exam tomorrow and my exams are next week, how can i afford to miss classes. I wish i can just rest but obviously i cant. Can you all please pray that ill recover soon. This has been on for so long and its really making me suffer. The feeling is just terrible Its like i really want to study but my body is killing me . Nonetheless im gonna fight back, im gonna try my best. HOpe everyone can pray for me. I really wanna get well soon.
Thursday, September 01, 2005
end of drama!
hey everyone! finally my drama exam ended today. Yes, what a relief. Now ive to focus on my exams which are in about one and a half weeks. Yes, time passes very fast and according to dad, when time passes fast it means im spending every single hour of the day wisely or something. haha i hope i am. Well, it went all right today. I gave my best and thats pretty much all i can say. Its a team effort so i guess if ive done my part thats the most i can do. We practised hard and yeah now its like its all over. Which is good i mean. Now mum is all alone at home cos dad is in paris, bro's in army and im here in melbourne. Poor mum.!NVm mum im coming home soon! Yeah i am. Im still on the waiting list for the 15th. Hmm though the only consolation is that im first on the waiting list. haha. Yes . Really hope i can go back earlier. Hope everyone can pray for me. I was down with fever yesterday. Everyone here is falling sick and im just one if its victims. Thankfully by the grace of God i had the voice and energy to perform. But cos i had to shout in the play, the moment we finished i kinda lost my voice and now my voice sounds worse. Oh well, at least that didnt happen during the exams. hope ill recover soon . Im feeling much better today. Anyway gotta get back to my books! love everyone!
Thursday, August 25, 2005
tiring day!
hey everyone! I know i dont blog very frequently actually i only do when im in the mood to. Well, today was quite a tiring day and all. It was full dress rehearsal for drama today. It went pretty all right just that some forgot their lines and all . But i think overall it was all right. The story line is ok, i wont say that its good. Yeah. Anyway, i guess it depends very much on how we act and portray our character. Drama! It is something i never ever dreamt i would do. Yes, it seems quite beyond me. Like Jaslyn and drama? Yeah, it sounds weird. But then again, ive not much of a choice so i guess i'll just have to try my best. Drama class ended late today, like half an hour late and i had to run to my psych lesson which was so so far away. It was mad! And i think i was marked late cos its the new demea ruling. Demea-(dunno if i got the spelling right) is the govt department that controls all our visas and attendences. Yeah, if like we are 15 mins late, we are considered as absent. But luckily i had a reason and late doesnt count to being absent. Oh well, bad luck i guess! It wasnt even my fault i was late so i think she put late-reaason being drama. Haiz whatever. The weather here has been all right. Quite cold and rainy this month. I'll be going to some art gallery thing for my hoi lesson tomorrow. Its all the way in south bank then ive to rush back for lunch and then next lesson. I think i spend half my life rushing here and there. My legs are killing me. Yes, i miss cars. I havent sat one in like ages. Gosh, now i know what a comfortable life i lead back home. Sigh. Oh yeah i hope i can get the ticket on the 15th. Can u all pray for me that ill be able to get it so i can go back earlier? Hope that i will be off the waiting list soon and get a proper tix. Please help me check dad! thanks! oh yeah i ate char siew rice that i dapoed from foodbowl. I know im suppose to cook but i met my drama friend evan and i was suppose to walk back with him. Then he said he wanted to buy dinner. And yes yes i gave in to temptation and bought it too. It was quite good. I know, how rare of me to actually praise something. I came back and fried an egg to eat with it. It was quite a good dinner. I havent seen my brother or spoken to him in a long while. I wonder how he's doing! I miss him and my Godmother, Rebecca and all my relatives and everything. I miss my parents of course. I cant wait to see everyone again! Anyway i think i will leave it here . Take care everyone ! love you all!!
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
its been long!

hey everyone! its been so long since i last blogged . I was very busy the last weeks with my essays and all. Finally handed them in last friday. What a relief! Now ive a drama exam coming up and eap presentation, followed by exams. Yes yes im really busy. Life has been pretty all right so far, except for the heavy workload and all. Its so so cold today im like freezing here. I think the lowest is seven. Ive to leave soon for my drama practice cos my drama exam is next week and my full dress rehearsal is this wed. I find that time does pass real quick here. Wonder how everyone is doing. Godma ! you have not posted for a long long time . Heard u have some dificulty logging in or something. Hope the problem is solved! really want u to blog! anyway i will post some pics up for everyone to see! It was taken last weekend . anyway i gtg now , take care and i love you all !!
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
its national day!
Happy national day to one and all!! Its the first time this year that no one in my family will be at home! Dad is in china, mum in hongkong and brendan is going back to army soon and im in melbourne! Thats so sad. But i will be having dinner at singapore chomp chomp with my friends tonight i think. Then i'll be watching the parade online. Yes, i know im suddenly so patriotic. But hey, its national day and we all attempted to wear red and white today. It was nice. SU vien was so funny cos she wanted to wear red and white so she wore a skirt and a thin white jacket and she was dying cos it was so so cold. Nice try girl! At least we all know you are patriotic. I attempted to wear white today. Which i kinda did successfully. Well, the air ticket thing can only be confirmed once my timetable comes out. Guess i have to wait before i can make any changes. I believe that if God wants me to go back earlier i will be able to. I'll just leave it in his hands. It is raining now. IT was been raining so often these days! Thats bad cos it only gets colder! How miserable! Dad, you must be on the plan now. DO have a safe trip yeah? Mum must be happily shopping in hong kong! Havent heard from her for a few days. Its all right mum, as long as you buy me lotsa stuff. =P My brother seems to be so busy . But thats good, he is gonna be a successful man one day. I just know it. Heard he was featured in the newpaper or something today. All i can say is wow bro , im really impressed, so much so that im at a loss of words. Its the passion that carries you far. Im proud of you. For me? Ive assignments due next week and stuff so ill do my best and i know that with the Lord guiding me , everything will be done according to his will. Anyway, happy national day to all! Its the first time that our family is like all over the world but then again our hearts are always one! cliche it sounds. haah take care everyone! love you all =)
Tuesday, August 09, 2005
superstar brother!!
WHOA my bro's name appeared in the newspaper today! PODEEJAY!! Impressive stuff. The founder of podeejay is my brother. haha bro, when you become a superstar , dont forget me all right? =P The article is very well written and i bet ya bro that more pple will be visiting ur website ! Its really good cos like with the media advertising for ya guys it will definitely boost ur viewership and stuff. And podcasting will indeed be a biggg thing. anyway just wanna say that ur gonna be a star my bro! Up and rising one definitely ! Ur always have my support !
Monday, August 08, 2005
cold rainy night!
Its a cold rainy night tonight! Its so weird , cos it has been raining in melbourne the past week and its really bad cos it gets really cold and everything. Well, its a sunday yet again. Time does pass quick fast, week after week. Mum left for Hong Kong today. Lucky mummy ! i wish i can go too. Hope i can go at next jan or something. Ive never been there and i want to go there and buy winter clothings! I just got back from a floor party. It was on the 10th floor of arrow. I just went there for dinner and now im back. They were gonna show some movie but i'm not quite interested in watching it. I went to church today. The one at swanston. It was an all girls thing. Su vin, jolene, sarah and me. WE had jap food for lunch at some restaurant at QV. It was quite good . Su vien and i shared a tempanyaki set and a katsu don. It cost us abt 10 dollars each. NOt that bad. It was a good lunch. Talking about everything under the sun . Yes when its all girls , the topics discussed are quite obvious. After that, i came straight home, did my laundry and work. Thats my typical sunday. Oh well, have assignments due soon. Stress level is increasing. Anyway dad, enjoy yourself , im sure you are! Ur like eating bak kut teh and everything. Sigh, im not eating any of those. Another new week of school starts tomorrow. Ive to embrace a whole new week of challenges. =)
Saturday, August 06, 2005
Tuesday, August 02, 2005
down memory lane!
Birthdays! Yes, my birthday is tomorrow.IT seems like yesterday i celebrated my birthday in singapore as a sec4 student. I can still remember vividly, septi(the ex maid) blew balloons for me on my birthday and early in the morning she gave it to me ! Yes it was a pleasant surprise and just when i thought that was all, when i went to school, my friends had already placed my birthday presents on my table ! Hand made cookies and all.After that, when i came back home ! My mum surprised me with her freshly baked cupcakes ! It was so so nice. These memories are the best! Oh yeah not forgetting wah loke! MY fave chinese restaurant ! I have my birthday dinner there for the past two years! And yes not forgetting my huge butterfly birthday cake that mum had specially asked lana to make!! The best looking birthday ever!! Whoa, i absolutely loved my birthday! Time passes so fast now this year im celebrating my birthday away from my family ! Yes, it will probablly be very different! NO more LANA CAKE!! I broke my record of having lana cake since i was born until now! Yes my fave choc cake in the entire world!! No more lana this year! =( so so sad.. Oh well,just thought i would blog on these memories and thoughts! Lovely memories that i would never ever ever forget!

Ive received my birthday present from my parents!! well a temporary one apparently! bUt nonetheless THANK YOU SO MUCH MUM AND DAD! I really loved the card too! it was so so meaningful! I know both of you took so long to choose a card! i really really appreciate it ! Though i cant celebrate my birthday with u all this year but i really appreciate the effort of sending me a present and for raising me the past seventeen years! thank you! I love you all ! =)
Monday, August 01, 2005
its a sunday!

Its a sunday again! yes it has been twenty days since i got back. Today is the last day of July, time does pass quite quickly. Anyway this picture was taken during lunch today. Ok chris ang, was at the lunch table too but because he was outnumbered by girls he had to take the photo! haha. Oh well, yup. Just thought i'll show u the picture. Sunday lunch is the only time i eat in the city. haha so yeah decided to take a pic! anyway take care !!
Sunday, July 31, 2005
Saturday, July 30, 2005
The pple whom i love the most!!
Sunday, July 24, 2005
SIGH!! i am so tired...i had the most disastrous dinner of my whole life!! No not the taste of the food but the preparation !! i intended to cook porridge with spam coated with egg..yes that sounds good, or so it did to me. BUT after boiling the porridge , i put it aside and decided that it would be time to cut the spam and coat it. SO i started to cut my spam and then i took out the egg from the fridge. GOSH !! there was one egg that was already broken inside ! YES a newly bought tray of eggs. HOw stupid of me not to check. and then i slowly took a spoon and scooped the egg out. BUt i then realised that it affected the other eggs too, thus making them stuck to the box. SO i took out all of the eggs and put them into a plastic container. AND I PUT IT ON THE HOT plate!!! that was the biggest mistake ever. REmember that i just boiled my porridge so my hotplate is hot. YES how clever i was and i put the plastic container on the HOT plate. And yes as u can probably guess now. THE PLASTIC CONTAINER MELTED!! ARRRGHHHHH!!!! ANd i had to take a sponge to remove all that.. AND yes its poisonous fumes. It was so hot that i sort of burnt my finger. IF u think this is all, u are clearly mistaken. That was only the beginning. SO i had to clear up a whole big mess. ANd then i started to fry my luncheon meat and all . Then i put it all on the table. NExt, i held the bovril by the cap and it flew out from my hand. YES I had to chase the rolling BOVRIL bottle. Oh i forgot to mention that i couldnt open the bovril cover earlier before i started cooking so much so after struggling for so long. I decided to apply my ever so limited knowledge of science. Heat will expand the cover ! and so it struck me and i went to boil water just to open the stupid cover. Ok and now back to where i was. So i started eating my dinner and all. I had so much washing to do after that. Ok nvm then when i was gonna throw the trash i realised the egg had leaked out all over my bin. SIGH!! and i had to wash the trash can too ..!! AS if i didnt have enough washing.!! THis is the worst experience ever...smelling poisonous fumes. getting all irritated with the stupid things that i do. MY goodness!!! worse day every!! I HATE COOKING !!! i cant stand it..it kills me so much!!! juST when i thought i was getting back into the swing of it..it has totally turned me off.!!!!!!! Im so mad, what a disastrous dinner. i shant cook porridge for a long long time.!!!!..............................
Sunday, July 17, 2005
first week back
I just got back from grocery shopping at victoria market and safeway. Tired,arms aching and all are words i can only describe my present state. Yes, it has been a while since i last did any of these things. I escaped from these stuff when i went back to singapore but now im back to having do it again. Oh well, guess thats life overseas by yourself. This week has been mentally and physically exhausting for me. Well, firstly its results week, secondly, its back to doing everything by myself again. Quite a struggle i must admit, considering i lived a sheltered and comfortable life at least for the past two weeks. Honestly, I kinda miss that. Well, i got all my results back. It was all right but not quite up to my expectation. Was quite disappointed with some results.Initially i did struggle to come to terms with my results. It is really weird cos here though u get 80 over percent you are not happy. Thats because the expectations is different i suppose. I was brooding over my results for quite a while but i decided that there is no point on doing that anymore. It would serve no purpose. Its easier said than done , but i would definitely try. Ok everyone here is feeling quite homesick, and im no exceptional. IT takes a while to adjust back to life here i suppose. Ive had quite a hard week this week but as dad says "life is full of ups and downs". I guess its my down period now . But i hope it will be over soon . My brother has been in the army for about four days? I saw the picture dad sent me yesterday. He is really BALD now. LIKE BALD. haha . but im really proud of my brother. He has really excelled in poly. Well done bro !! Anyway alot of issues have been brought up between my parents and myself. Friends , life skills and all have been discussed. I will not go into detail but it has been useful in helping me see the big picture and my parents have always been so supportive and all. Giving me advices in my most dire state and all. Thanks mum and dad. I appreciate it alot. Sorry for making you all tolerate all my whining and all. I am really quite a whiner. Sigh. This has been a week since i came back. LOts have happened and alot more are about to come. Life is a journey, a long one full of ups and downs. I just have to learn to deal with it.
Tuesday, July 12, 2005
back in australia
I'm back in melbourne once again and the next time i'll be going back to singapore will be in december. Seems quite a long time from now. Anyway i really enjoyed my stay in singapore, good food, great company, great shopping. Everything was great. I really enjoyed every bit of it. My brother is going into army tomorrow. Wow, time really flies and yes this is a new chapter in his life . Well bro, all the best inside .i'm sure you will do fine. The weather here is really cold , well obviously because its winter. Im still adjusting back into my normal life here, cooking and eating alone and getting used to my small room. I kinda miss my bedroom . sigh. This half of the year is gonna be crucial for me and yeah im gonna do my utmost best and score. Ive been here for more than half a year already. Time does pass quickly. Everyone here is missing home. Sometimes going back home and coming back here again makes one miss home even more . But then again , i should feel refreshed and ready to face the challenges of the second half of the year. My parents will be coming up in sept =) . In the meantime, all the best once again bro and mum and dad..take care =) love you all.
Thursday, June 23, 2005
hey everyone ! im gonna be home in like three days! yipee..in the meantime ive one more paper left.Psychology. Yups. i have today and tomorrow to study for the paper. Rebecca's wedding is coming up in like a few days. I bet everyone must be really busy and stuff. The weather here has been pretty cold lately, wait actually very cold. Yeah i heard its snowing in mt buller. haha cool . Dad , u are going back to singapore tomorrow right? Heard its hot in switzerland. I guess most parts of the world are hot only aussie is weird cos its always the opp. Anyway if anyone needs anything from melb, tell me k. I still have fri night to buy. In the meantime , need to get back to my bookS! take care ! see everyone soon!!hugs
Thursday, June 09, 2005
Bad day!
Sometimes life is so weird i cant quite understand it. I had my monologue today. I spent a long long time practising and rehearsing and whatever u call it. But guess what? i forgot the last line !!! Bleagh! My teacher told me the first word then it all came back again. Haiz..was really disappointed and angry. I really dunno what happened . i wasnt nervous until i forgot but just that sudden moment i dunno why i forgot. Thankfully i didnt panic when i forgot , i just went on acting. I was so angry and disappointed while walking home. Felt moodless and sad cos i really tried my best. Sometimes i feel this acting thing kills me. Thankfully this is the last solo exam. the rest will be in a group. Oh well, i came back then i went straight to sleep. I was fuming mad and i decided the best way to cool down and forget abt it was to sleep it off. Ok i was so angry i cried. Haiz...after i woke up i felt much better. Like i thought it through, maybe God made it happen for a reason. Sometimes i really dunno why things happen this way. Esp when u have tried ur utmost best and yet things dont turn out the way u want it too. I have concluded,,,THATS LIFE. i practised so much until i cut my last finger till it bled. haiz...bad bad day...never mind..everyone has bad days... ill generate my energy to studying the rest of my subs..way more impt than this... ive finally finished all my assignments..eap..hoi and now monologue... im suppose to be happy that its over..i am..maybe the monologue thing just spoiled it all. But the consolation is i really did try my best.
Saturday, May 28, 2005
hey everyone ! just got my timetable today. sigh. my last paper is on the 24th and its an afternoon paper. So guess i cant be present for the church wedding. But i'll be back for the dinner. kinda disappointed but oh well, guess thats part of God's plan for me. Its been quite long since anyone last posted, where has everyone gone. anyway i dont think i cant post anything the next few weeks cos my exams are coming up so ive got to study and all. Anyway , hope everyone is doing fine. =)The weather here is really cold now. like 12 degrees and all. So yeah ive been wearing my winter jacket though its only autumn. WEll, gotta go now. Take care everyone ! =)
Wednesday, May 18, 2005
WEll DONE!!!
hey bro ,
nice to see you post something again. Its been a while since you last posted, bet you realise that =) . Anyway congratulations !! Was really happy to receive the good news ! Well done bro , you really deserved everything you got . I cant wait for ya to come to melbourne. Im waiting for you !! Now the weather here is freaking cold as IN REALLY COLD. You know like when u breathe out there's like smoke..Yeah that's how cold it is. Ive been pretty busy lately. Ha guess what? ive a healthy lifestyle. I go to the gym everyday now. Rodelle, me , lisa and joelle. My gyming partners. We wanna go for spa too. haha. yeah then delle and i will cook then we'll eat together at my place then we'll do work. Lots of work to do. Esp hoi assignment now..It has been bugging me..Feel quite stressed man . But yeah Ill just do my best =) I'll work hard here and then soon i can go back homE !! yay!! Life here is pretty fun and all. Except the putting on weight part. The weather really makes you hungry all the time. AS IN VERY HUNGRY ! but then again i will control and just eat three meals a day. haha. Arrgh. nvm...its all for my body.and weight .sigh nvm..anyway you take care bro! and dad.yup i will work hard here and make you proud too !! Have fun everyone !! have fun watching bowling mum .Oh and dad have a safe trip to shanghai and bro to bangkok.!!! Love you all !! miss you!
nice to see you post something again. Its been a while since you last posted, bet you realise that =) . Anyway congratulations !! Was really happy to receive the good news ! Well done bro , you really deserved everything you got . I cant wait for ya to come to melbourne. Im waiting for you !! Now the weather here is freaking cold as IN REALLY COLD. You know like when u breathe out there's like smoke..Yeah that's how cold it is. Ive been pretty busy lately. Ha guess what? ive a healthy lifestyle. I go to the gym everyday now. Rodelle, me , lisa and joelle. My gyming partners. We wanna go for spa too. haha. yeah then delle and i will cook then we'll eat together at my place then we'll do work. Lots of work to do. Esp hoi assignment now..It has been bugging me..Feel quite stressed man . But yeah Ill just do my best =) I'll work hard here and then soon i can go back homE !! yay!! Life here is pretty fun and all. Except the putting on weight part. The weather really makes you hungry all the time. AS IN VERY HUNGRY ! but then again i will control and just eat three meals a day. haha. Arrgh. nvm...its all for my body.and weight .sigh nvm..anyway you take care bro! and dad.yup i will work hard here and make you proud too !! Have fun everyone !! have fun watching bowling mum .Oh and dad have a safe trip to shanghai and bro to bangkok.!!! Love you all !! miss you!
Tuesday, May 17, 2005
Hello Sis!
Hello Sis!!!
It has been a long time since i posted yes! Hehe quite a lot has changed since then and quite a few good changes will happen soon!
I finally secured my place in Uni of Melbourne BA of Arts (Media and Comm)!!! So i guess ill be joining you in 2 years!! hehehe...would be rather exciting! Both of us will be the next 2 angs to make it to university! So i guess Sam and Hazel Ang have brought up kids with a 100% "able to get into university" rate!
Another piece of good news sis! hehe...just got a letter today from Ngee Ann...and i won a prize to be given at my graduation! The Singapore Press Holdings Gold Medal! heee!
In anycase, cant wait to see you when ur back...just a few more weeks k!
In the meantime, take care!
It has been a long time since i posted yes! Hehe quite a lot has changed since then and quite a few good changes will happen soon!
I finally secured my place in Uni of Melbourne BA of Arts (Media and Comm)!!! So i guess ill be joining you in 2 years!! hehehe...would be rather exciting! Both of us will be the next 2 angs to make it to university! So i guess Sam and Hazel Ang have brought up kids with a 100% "able to get into university" rate!
Another piece of good news sis! hehe...just got a letter today from Ngee Ann...and i won a prize to be given at my graduation! The Singapore Press Holdings Gold Medal! heee!
In anycase, cant wait to see you when ur back...just a few more weeks k!
In the meantime, take care!
Monday, May 09, 2005
glad you like it
hey mum ,
HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! Glad that u received the card on time and trust me dad, haha i had no idea that i was that accurate . But then again as you said it could be all in the genes =) . Sorry the card is kinda small and erm ugly . COs u didnt have the materials and i was afraid that if i handmade a huge envelope the postman may accidentally crush it or something. Yeah but then again i hope you liked it mum ! Im kinda sad i cant spend mother's day with ya but yeah im sure dad will have plans to entertain you. Right dad ? haha. I miss everyone at home !!! More so on this day !! Anyway im counting down till the time i get to go home ! =) haha in fact everyone is. Heard Godma say that there is mahjong at our place tonight. So ill talk to you all more tonight.. Take care !!
HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! Glad that u received the card on time and trust me dad, haha i had no idea that i was that accurate . But then again as you said it could be all in the genes =) . Sorry the card is kinda small and erm ugly . COs u didnt have the materials and i was afraid that if i handmade a huge envelope the postman may accidentally crush it or something. Yeah but then again i hope you liked it mum ! Im kinda sad i cant spend mother's day with ya but yeah im sure dad will have plans to entertain you. Right dad ? haha. I miss everyone at home !!! More so on this day !! Anyway im counting down till the time i get to go home ! =) haha in fact everyone is. Heard Godma say that there is mahjong at our place tonight. So ill talk to you all more tonight.. Take care !!
Monday, May 02, 2005
feeling better
hey everyone !
It was so nice to hear everyone's voice yesterday though i couldnt see ya. Made me feel better. well, im feeling better now. No more fever and all. A bit of sore throat but all is fine . Except that ive sort of lost my appetite all together like i cant finish a bowl of porridge or anything. Guess thats part of being sick and all . Its not a holiday tomorrow unlike singpaore cos its labour day. Here, i guess they dont have that kinda holiday. But just as well cos i wouldnt wanna miss lessons and have to go for makeup lessons and all. Heard aaron and alvin are sick too. Hope they have recovered. Well, at least its not cold back home . Trust me when its cold you will feel ten times more miserable and uncomfortable. I was shivering that day, that was torturous. Its may today. Another one month plus and ill be home . Cant wait to see all of you!! Though i see all of ya on the webcam and all but its diferent from seeing you'll in real life. Dad and mum start scouting for places to go and eat. Bet you all have discovered many places already. =) WEll, everyone pray that ive no paper on the 24th and that ill be able to go home. I put 100% trust in God that he will lead the path . Take care everyone ! i miss all of you ! Make sure to on the aircon since its so hot back home. Well for me ill have to bring a thick jacket out . love all of you !!
ps: post more msgs everyone !! reading them is my leisure . haha
It was so nice to hear everyone's voice yesterday though i couldnt see ya. Made me feel better. well, im feeling better now. No more fever and all. A bit of sore throat but all is fine . Except that ive sort of lost my appetite all together like i cant finish a bowl of porridge or anything. Guess thats part of being sick and all . Its not a holiday tomorrow unlike singpaore cos its labour day. Here, i guess they dont have that kinda holiday. But just as well cos i wouldnt wanna miss lessons and have to go for makeup lessons and all. Heard aaron and alvin are sick too. Hope they have recovered. Well, at least its not cold back home . Trust me when its cold you will feel ten times more miserable and uncomfortable. I was shivering that day, that was torturous. Its may today. Another one month plus and ill be home . Cant wait to see all of you!! Though i see all of ya on the webcam and all but its diferent from seeing you'll in real life. Dad and mum start scouting for places to go and eat. Bet you all have discovered many places already. =) WEll, everyone pray that ive no paper on the 24th and that ill be able to go home. I put 100% trust in God that he will lead the path . Take care everyone ! i miss all of you ! Make sure to on the aircon since its so hot back home. Well for me ill have to bring a thick jacket out . love all of you !!
ps: post more msgs everyone !! reading them is my leisure . haha
Tuesday, April 19, 2005
start of school
hey dad, haha you are making me hungry !!! i must try the claypot rice in june.. definitely a MUST!!ah..you are making me drool now. How can you all not eat sushi tei..ITs THE BEST !! i miss it so much... oh dear, all this talk on food is making my stomach rumble.
Well, school today was pretty all right.Had econs in the morning and graham was talking abt writing a report to our parents. he said that he first report is inaccurate cos its like most of us will get like need improvement in participation or satiscactory and stuff cos he doesnt even know us by name. Well, got my lit results today and i told ya already.Well, unlike econs my lit teacher gave us a copy of the report she'll be sending to you all. I got excellent for all . Quite happy bout that..it was for like participation..knowledge of the subject and all..You will be seeing all that . MY LIT teacher knows us by name unlike econs..haha he is very blur. Well, im having szechuan veg soup tonight and a few dishes with carmen.she'll be coming over later..im making chicken stew tomorrow cos ive a long day and so i wont have to cook tomorrow.. anyway have a great flight to shanghai dad. Oh yeah and make sure u stay away from those jap restaurants..it would be very dangerous.take care..and gosh im really hungry now...
Well, school today was pretty all right.Had econs in the morning and graham was talking abt writing a report to our parents. he said that he first report is inaccurate cos its like most of us will get like need improvement in participation or satiscactory and stuff cos he doesnt even know us by name. Well, got my lit results today and i told ya already.Well, unlike econs my lit teacher gave us a copy of the report she'll be sending to you all. I got excellent for all . Quite happy bout that..it was for like participation..knowledge of the subject and all..You will be seeing all that . MY LIT teacher knows us by name unlike econs..haha he is very blur. Well, im having szechuan veg soup tonight and a few dishes with carmen.she'll be coming over later..im making chicken stew tomorrow cos ive a long day and so i wont have to cook tomorrow.. anyway have a great flight to shanghai dad. Oh yeah and make sure u stay away from those jap restaurants..it would be very dangerous.take care..and gosh im really hungry now...
Monday, April 18, 2005
start of school
hey dad, haha you are making me hungry !!! i must try the claypot rice in june.. definitely a MUST!!ah..you are making me drool now. How can you all not eat sushi tei..ITs THE BEST !! i miss it so much... oh dear, all this talk on food is making my stomach rumble.
Well, school today was pretty all right.Had econs in the morning and graham was talking abt writing a report to our parents. he said that he first report is inaccurate cos its like most of us will get like need improvement in participation or satiscactory and stuff cos he doesnt even know us by name. Well, got my lit results today and i told ya already.Well, unlike econs my lit teacher gave us a copy of the report she'll be sending to you all. I got excellent for all . Quite happy bout that..it was for like participation..knowledge of the subject and all..You will be seeing all that . MY LIT teacher knows us by name unlike econs..haha he is very blur. Well, im having szechuan veg soup tonight and a few dishes with carmen.she'll be coming over later..im making chicken stew tomorrow cos ive a long day and so i wont have to cook tomorrow.. anyway have a great flight to shanghai dad. Oh yeah and make sure u stay away from those jap restaurants..it would be very dangerous.take care..and gosh im really hungry now...
Well, school today was pretty all right.Had econs in the morning and graham was talking abt writing a report to our parents. he said that he first report is inaccurate cos its like most of us will get like need improvement in participation or satiscactory and stuff cos he doesnt even know us by name. Well, got my lit results today and i told ya already.Well, unlike econs my lit teacher gave us a copy of the report she'll be sending to you all. I got excellent for all . Quite happy bout that..it was for like participation..knowledge of the subject and all..You will be seeing all that . MY LIT teacher knows us by name unlike econs..haha he is very blur. Well, im having szechuan veg soup tonight and a few dishes with carmen.she'll be coming over later..im making chicken stew tomorrow cos ive a long day and so i wont have to cook tomorrow.. anyway have a great flight to shanghai dad. Oh yeah and make sure u stay away from those jap restaurants..it would be very dangerous.take care..and gosh im really hungry now...
Saturday, April 16, 2005
life here
hey dad, yeah national masters is going on now. Heard abt it from val lee. Oh i just came back not too long ago from melbourne central. Went there to study with rodelle. We were heading for max brenner when we saw this new jap shop at melbourne central. We decided to try and the ramen turned out to be quite nice. In fact we were surprised to know that it was actually opened by a hong kong man. Strange isnt it. Yeah after that we went to max brenner . I had a milk choc and souffle.Was really good.We stayed there to study. Then jon kan called and asked if i wanted to have lunch with them . In the end jon and jx came over to melbourne central to see us. haha cos its been a long time since i last saw them. They are going glenwaverly ttoday to their friends place. Im going to have dinner with rodelle later and then go with her to some thai party at lygon. Her godbrother is going to organise it so yeah just gonna take a look. Tomorrow jolene and evan are coming back. So jon, jx,rodelle.jo , evan and me are going to have lakssa and delle's place. haha jx is gonna cook. so yeah . gotta go vic mart tomorrow. anyway take care!
Wednesday, April 06, 2005
us in melbourne
hey , haha it has been abt four days that brendan and mum have been in melbourne with me . ahah oh ya and i told them it would be hot and that they need not bring cold clothing.haha i was right on the first day but opps.haha the rest im wrong cos the temp here has dropped majorly the past few days..haha it suddenly became so cold ..yup.haha lucky they brought thick clothing..well,haha ive been going out with my friends and mum and brendan the past few days..really nice to catch up with mum and brendan and to see them. =) how are ya dad? wow..life seems quite hectic for ya there. time here seems to pass very very fast ..soon in june ill be back in singapore and eating my fave food again ! haha anyway dad ..the church thing sounds quite scary,,haha .and pretty weird too.anyway take care everyone...=)love you all
Monday, April 04, 2005
Melbourne Update
Its been about 4 days 3 nights here at melbourne...even though the nights have been quite cold..we have been eating ice cream for the past 2 nights.
Wow dad, the church you went to sounds...disturbing..haha. What kind of meetings are in store? Went to ikea today...so boring for me...ikea singapore...ikea melbourne..all the same lah!
In anycase, will probably be going down to the uni tomorrow..take a look with mom, jas and nicole.
Will update you soon! Take care and have fun!
The skatepark here is quite nice...but it can get windy!
Its been about 4 days 3 nights here at melbourne...even though the nights have been quite cold..we have been eating ice cream for the past 2 nights.
Wow dad, the church you went to sounds...disturbing..haha. What kind of meetings are in store? Went to ikea today...so boring for me...ikea singapore...ikea melbourne..all the same lah!
In anycase, will probably be going down to the uni tomorrow..take a look with mom, jas and nicole.
Will update you soon! Take care and have fun!
The skatepark here is quite nice...but it can get windy!
Monday, March 28, 2005
daylight saving
hey just for ur info..its daylight saving here so the time difference between melbourne and singapore has changed ..its now a two hour difference instead of three. yup it started since 2 am this morning.haha yup so yeah just for your information =)
Saturday, March 26, 2005
Good friday!
hey everyone !! happy good friday to all of ya !! Yeah usually on this day i would be at barker church. haha but this year yup im in melbourne. I went for a easter concert yesterday. haha it was like really loud and rocking. haha quite a shock but yeah its just for the experience. anyway haha easter here is a very big thing!! everyone is like giving out easter eggs and all. haah i dont remember all that back home. Yup. School's over for me haha its th hols now But ive tests on tuesday..Yup after tt i'll be free. =) hah then its shopping time. I so havent shopped yet. haha getting withdrawal symptoms. haha..anyway how's everyone ? sorry i havent posted for so long been quite busy .. Yups anyway i miss everyone!!! Hope everyone's doing great !! take care and God bless to all of ya !!!! Happy easter !!
Friday, March 25, 2005
Good friday!
hey everyone !! happy good friday to all of ya !! Yeah usually on this day i would be at barker church. haha but this year yup im in melbourne. I went for a easter concert yesterday. haha it was like really loud and rocking. haha quite a shock but yeah its just for the experience. anyway haha easter here is a very big thing!! everyone is like giving out easter eggs and all. haah i dont remember all that back home. Yup. School's over for me haha its th hols now But ive tests on tuesday..Yup after tt i'll be free. =) hah then its shopping time. I so havent shopped yet. haha getting withdrawal symptoms. haha..anyway how's everyone ? sorry i havent posted for so long been quite busy .. Yups anyway i miss everyone!!! Hope everyone's doing great !! take care and God bless to all of ya !!!! Happy easter !!
Monday, March 14, 2005
moomba festival
hi everyone ! haha last night was moomba festival here in melbourne. Yeah it was at the yarra river. The fireworks were really spectacular. My friends and i sat on the grass on some slope and admired it. It was so pretty and massive. haha if only all of u could see it u will know what i mean. Haha i took like 100 over pics of that. haha yeah that was how impressed i was. It was very well done. There were many game stalls too. ahha my friends wanted to win the huge sponge bob square pants but they ended up winning tiny toys. haha . we ate hotdog bun for dinner at the fair. The weather here has been pretty warm the past few days. how freak can the weather get. haha anyway hope everyone's doing well. Post stuff abt ur life ok? love you all.btw the timing now is my aussie timing .
Friday, March 11, 2005
its a friday!
hey everyone ! its a friday probably the best day in the week cos it means the weekends are here. haha yeah ! Actually time passes so quickly.. whoa week after week so fast ive been here for almost a month already ! haha. Had quite all all right day in school. Had english lessons and econs lecture. Well, haha for the first time econs lecture was really interesting . haha our lecturer was hilarious . After that, i was on my way to do some grocery shopping because my fridge was so so empty haha and i met a few friends. We went to max brenner for tea. Do you know what max brenner is? they have it in esplanade too. I drank milk choc and had some choc cake . It was so goodd... super super yummy haha... It was like the best !! haha the place is always crowded. but it was great. Oh yeah the pple i met were yixian, carmen and livia. Yeah prob only my parents know who they are but yeah so yixian helped me carry my groceries back. haah. opps.But yeah managed to buy almost everything. Its the first time ive walked to town in a week. Yeah. I did so much walking today my legs ache.haah then i cooked aglio olio pasta by mysef tonight. It was yummy. Oh i had sweetcorn and chicken soup too.haha yeah . feeling really full now...but i think ill have muffin for dessert. haha anyway yup how's everyone doing? update me k .. tc ...love you all=)
Thursday, March 10, 2005
made muffins myself!
hey haha i madde muffins myself today!! IT was a success !! im so happy . the last time i baked it was with the help of my floor senior but this time i made it all by myself !! haha a pity all of u cant try it !! Its a really good feeling when u did something yourself and it turns out a success. ahha dont know why but i had a craving for choc muffin today.. hmm yummy yummy...haha. Well, the next time whoever comes to melbourne ill bake it for you. ! haha =) take care everyone i shall go and enjoy my muffin now !! haha .
Wednesday, March 09, 2005
Hey Sis!
Hello Sis!
Sorry havent been updating for so so so long! Been rather busy the past few weeks with Tribune (the last issue!). 2 more weeks before i graduate!
Seems like you are having loads of fun! How is school so far? Havent seen you in ages...i finally taught mom how to use the webcam and skype (www.skype.com)
Show us some pictures or send us if u can! hope everything there is working...will talk to u on skype soon kae...
Sorry havent been updating for so so so long! Been rather busy the past few weeks with Tribune (the last issue!). 2 more weeks before i graduate!
Seems like you are having loads of fun! How is school so far? Havent seen you in ages...i finally taught mom how to use the webcam and skype (www.skype.com)
Show us some pictures or send us if u can! hope everything there is working...will talk to u on skype soon kae...
Saturday, March 05, 2005
hihi haha. jus baked muffins at my friends place. We baked blueberry muffin and chocolate muffin. Its yummy and actually easy to make.Haha its really nice to eat something hot from and fresh from the oven on a cold night. Yup so its a success .I'll make some next time on my own. Then ill take pics and send to al of you. Im so full now.Ate so much.haha yup...take care =)
hihi haha. jus baked muffins at my friends place. We baked blueberry muffin and chocolate muffin. Its yummy and actually easy to make.Haha its really nice to eat something hot from and fresh from the oven on a cold night. Yup so its a success .I'll make some next time on my own. Then ill take pics and send to al of you. Im so full now.Ate so much.haha yup...take care =)
getting colder
Hey everyone , its autumn here already . Today the temp is 12.4 degrees. Yikes very chilly. esp when the wind blows its madness. Just last week it was like 34 degrees . haha freak weather i know. Oh ya and congrats aaron on doing so well =) very happy and proud of ya ! Hope alvin is coping well and doing well in his sec 4 year . Yup..just thought ill update ya abt the weather. haha but this kinda weather its damn nice to sleep.HEh... anyway take care all -=)
Friday, March 04, 2005
first western meal
Hey everyone ! haha yesterday i cooked my first western meal with my friend. We cooked aglio olio pasta and it was a success. haha it tasted not bad . Really happy. Both of us had never ever cooked this before but it turned out well. haha we ate it with ham and bacon. Yummy ! haha I just got my timetable yesterday. Yups gonna start offical lessons already =) Hope everyone's coping well back home . Take care everyone !
Monday, February 28, 2005
Hi everyone !! Hows everyone doing? well, just came back from camp a few days ago. It was really fun xcept there were many flies . Other than that it was enjoyable =) Well, parents just left yesterday so im alone now. But yeah trying to get used to it. I cooked my first dinner today with a nieghbour, carmen. It was quite fun . But yeah ive alot more cooking to do in the future. We had maths lesson today. Pretty all right except our temporary lecturer was quite boring. Haha but other than that everything is great. Went out for ice cream just now . It was good. Collected my o's results today. Pretty all right with it .=) A few of us were at albert house waiting for our parents to call. Btw albert house is my friends hostel. Yeah we were all like panicking . But so glad its all over , Feel really relieved now. Anyway hows everyone ? No one is posting anything . haha has everyone disappeared . haha. Well, im doing well here . Enjoy it quite alot . Yup anyway everyone take care k ? love you all =)
Saturday, February 26, 2005
Back from camp
Hi everyone! Im back from camp. Came back yesterday. Had a really awesome time.Except cos the two days i went were like 35degrees so there were lots of flies. Yeah that was the bad part of it. But overall it was a great experience. Made lots of friends and stuff =) How's everyone ? No one is updating me about their life. Heard there are like bushfires and stuff in singapore . haha i thought they only have it here in aussie. Some dry spell or something right? Daddy and mummy are going back tomorrow,Then im all on my own . School will be starting full force soon. Excited but yet i know it will be really busy and stuff. Ive had so much chinese food here the last two weeks. Haha and finally today i got to eat pasta and pizza. Went with a friend and her parents to eat.Anyway update me abt ur life ok? Take care peeps. Love you all!
Back from camp
Hi everyone! Im back from camp. Came back yesterday. Had a really awesome time.Except cos the two days i went were like 35degrees so there were lots of flies. Yeah that was the bad part of it. But overall it was a great experience. Made lots of friends and stuff =) How's everyone ? No one is updating me about their life. Heard there are like bushfires and stuff in singapore . haha i thought they only have it here in aussie. Some dry spell or something right? Daddy and mummy are going back tomorrow,Then im all on my own . School will be starting full force soon. Excited but yet i know it will be really busy and stuff. Ive had so much chinese food here the last two weeks. Haha and finally today i got to eat pasta and pizza. Went with a friend and her parents to eat.Anyway update me abt ur life ok? Take care peeps. Love you all!
Wednesday, February 16, 2005
hi everyone!
Hello everyone! Im in melbourne already =) So touching that u all have a blog for me ! haha cheers bro ! Well, the weather here has already been so freak. Like it was quite hot yesterday but its very cold today. Yeah, thats melbourne for you ! Well, trying to get used to life here. We went shopping yesterday for essential stuff haha . We bought so much. And today we went again ! Haha and daddy is learning how to shop . hehe . Like choose the best basket out of the lot. And it was really funny . We carried like rice cooker , comforter and lots more. Its not that near when u are carrying so much stuff. Miss everyone already ! Yeah , and Godma u are right i didnt walk up and down but i'll learn how to haha. Hi aaron and hi robyn =) School's starting soon . Well, hope everyone is doing well back home. Take care everyone ! Love you all !
Monday, February 14, 2005
On the plane:)
Hey sis!
Yes yes, i stole the first post from you! But thats because you, mom and dad are on the plane to melbourne. Its a real big adventure for you and I hope you make full use of it. Its going to be lotsa fun and hard work so just balance the two. This blog is for your family and friends to update you and vice versa, giving you a glimpse into our lives and into yours. So check back here and post here when you are free. Still thinking of a way that we can share photos and videos as a community online. Any ideas?
In anycase, post here when you have arrived and are free. Miss you already sis!
p.s. We had satay club for dinner...yummy:)
brendan (brother)
p.s. oh yes, when signing off, its good for everyone to leave their name and relation to jaslyn.
Yes yes, i stole the first post from you! But thats because you, mom and dad are on the plane to melbourne. Its a real big adventure for you and I hope you make full use of it. Its going to be lotsa fun and hard work so just balance the two. This blog is for your family and friends to update you and vice versa, giving you a glimpse into our lives and into yours. So check back here and post here when you are free. Still thinking of a way that we can share photos and videos as a community online. Any ideas?
In anycase, post here when you have arrived and are free. Miss you already sis!
p.s. We had satay club for dinner...yummy:)
brendan (brother)
p.s. oh yes, when signing off, its good for everyone to leave their name and relation to jaslyn.
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