Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Hey Sis!

Hello Sis!

Sorry havent been updating for so so so long! Been rather busy the past few weeks with Tribune (the last issue!). 2 more weeks before i graduate!

Seems like you are having loads of fun! How is school so far? Havent seen you in ages...i finally taught mom how to use the webcam and skype (

Show us some pictures or send us if u can! hope everything there is working...will talk to u on skype soon kae...


1 comment:

jaslyn said...

hey bro! yes i havent spoken or seen ya for ages !! Yeah its ok i know ur busy with tribune and UR TERM IS ENDING!! haaha i bet ur so happy and cant wait for it to end. Time really flies yeah? Work hard for two weeks then u can play hard already ! Yeah its fun but yet lots of stuff to do. Like ive assignments and all. Yup. haha yeah mum is not bad at the skype thing. Yeah hope to see ya soon on the webcam ! Take care bro ! =)