Monday, November 13, 2006
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY DEAR DADDY!! =) May all your wishes come true and the good LORD bless ya richly always! Hope you enjoy this special day! promise i'll make it up to you with a birthday dinner when i get back!! Love ya loads dad!!
Sunday, November 05, 2006
HAPPY 21ST MY DEAREST BROTHER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRENDAN ANG!!!! =) You're finally an adult! haha old already right? 21 years old! haha...You're legal for lots of stuff now, haha though now i can't seem to think of one! Exams have totally clogged my brain that i cant seem to think straight now!=( Anyway, I do hope you have an awesome birthday bro! I'm sure you had a blast with your friends yesterday and im sure you will continue to have a great time at dinner with the family and relatives tonight!! Thanks for being the best bro in the entire world!!! i cant thank God enough for you! Anyway, do enjoy this special day bro! I miss you and do have lots of fun! Remember ur lil sis is missing you LOTS!!! =) Love ya !
Saturday, October 28, 2006
Daylight saving!
Just to let everyone know that daylight saving starts tomorrow at 2am. So i'll be three hours ahead of singapore! That means one less hour of sleep too! Blah! i don't like daylight saving this time of the year!
Friday, October 27, 2006
Last day of school!
In half an hours time, i'll be going for my last class of the semester! Finance 101. haha. Wow this semester has whoozzed by so fast. And exams are coming soon!! Ah i still have tons to study TONS !!!! Anyway, i pray that God will create a miracle and that he will guide me for the next 3 weeks. Anyway, yesterday i was being so emotional and angry . haha i wanted GOOD FOOD so badly! I was sick and tired of living on crap food. So i went out to eat! Yes i went out to eat on a weeknight. Oh wells, i had jap food and then i bought myself a chocolate frapuccino from starbucks! That made me much happier! I think it must be the crazy stress that im feeling now! I shant let this evil and stupid stress get into me!! I can do it ! I can do it!!! YES I CAN!!!!! I just need to hang in there for now. A few more weeks and it will all be over! Ok enough of my rambling , i shall go and prepare for school! My last lesson of the semester!! Goodbye semester 2!!! ...OOO i can smell the holidays already hahaha......and the exams ! ah...
Sunday, October 22, 2006
Too much too little
Two more weeks to my first paper Macroeconomics. Then one week 'break' (technically its not a break but rather to cramp the other 3 subs in) and then three papers at one go!
6th nov: Introductory Macroeconomics
13th nov: Torts
14th nov: Finance 1
15th nov: Quantitative methods I
This is my exam timetable! So much to cover, so little time! I really need lots of prayer and i know with God's help, i will have the strength to persevere!! I need lots of focus, lots of discipline! AH! I hate it when i find it hard to keep awake or find it hard to glue my eyes to the books! Tomorrow marks the start of my last week of school for the semester and the year! Wow time passes pretty quickly. Ok i guess i'll head to the gym later, it may release endorphines to make me happy, either that or it will make me sleepier! I prefer the former anytime! Ok off to the books now! Torts..torts and more torts =)
6th nov: Introductory Macroeconomics
13th nov: Torts
14th nov: Finance 1
15th nov: Quantitative methods I
This is my exam timetable! So much to cover, so little time! I really need lots of prayer and i know with God's help, i will have the strength to persevere!! I need lots of focus, lots of discipline! AH! I hate it when i find it hard to keep awake or find it hard to glue my eyes to the books! Tomorrow marks the start of my last week of school for the semester and the year! Wow time passes pretty quickly. Ok i guess i'll head to the gym later, it may release endorphines to make me happy, either that or it will make me sleepier! I prefer the former anytime! Ok off to the books now! Torts..torts and more torts =)
Saturday, October 14, 2006
Ok now that all the assignments are FINALLY over, its preparation for my upcoming exams! Three weeks to the real deal, TONS to revise and study! Im going to mug like MAD for the next three weeks, my next 5 weeks (including exams) is gonna be a really stressful time! I shall hang in there and soon it will all be over!!! GO JAS!! (haha self motivation) If you don't hear from me, im probably somewhere buried under a pile of notes and books! I want to do well this sem and i shall! NO PAIN NO GAIN! yes its definitely gonna be very painful now but im looking forward to the holidays so thats a good motivation! Ok off i go to the books! =) Pray for me people that i'll be focused, have the determination and will to hang in there even when the going gets tough! I pray for God's guidance =)
To my babes in singapore studying for their A levels: Hang in there babes! Its a stressful time for all of us but it will be over real soon! Lets just persevere! I'll be praying for you girls!
To my babes in singapore studying for their A levels: Hang in there babes! Its a stressful time for all of us but it will be over real soon! Lets just persevere! I'll be praying for you girls!
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Its a FREAKING HOT DAY!! Out come the shades, the shorts, the flip flops, the spag tops...Rather than enjoying the sun out there im slogging at my qm assignment. Oh wells, one more day of it! Come on jass! This is semester assignment madness... amongst all these madeness i shall find joy in doing all these. Yes, because after this assignment , its mugging for the exams..ok back to qm! Back to microsoft excel....
Sunday, October 08, 2006
DEDICATED TO ELIZABETH LIM =) Happy 18th birthday my dear!

HAPPY 18TH BIRTHDAY ELIZABETH LIM!!! This entry is dedicated to you! Its been an amazing 5 years knowing you liz =) Thanks for being such a good friend. The shopping, the movies, the outings, everything that we've gone through together babe, they are all great memories! I love how we've become much closer over the past 2 years =) Do enjoy this special day babe! Loving and missing ya loads! Cheers to many many more years of friendship! cant wait to see you in nov!
Friday, October 06, 2006
photos of my hols!
End of break....Start of 2nd half of semester
Two weeks of holiday just zoomed by! Now, its the start of the second half of semester! Anyway, my holidays were good! Dad and mum came down for ten days , and i must say i totally enjoyed those ten days =) Great company, awesome homecook food and all . It felt like i was back in singapore ! Lets see what we did this holiday.... Oh i finally could enter the casino! But the stupid security guy purposely took very long to look at my passport. He kept looking at me , then at my passport, then at me again. Annoying guy. It was totally on purpose! Dad wanted me to test out not taking my passport out immediately and see if they would stop me. He said if they did means i still look young if they didnt haha then too bad, it must be that i look way beyond my years . And they did! haha wonder if that is a compliment! The Crown Casino is HUGE! My first time being in there ! And what a surprise i got when i realised that more than half of the people inside were asians! How bizarre is that! Its pretty sad seeing people gamble their hard earned money away! Dad said he brought me to the casino to show me how people throw their money away! Its quite a sad place really, thats what i feel. Anyway , i had my go at the jackpot machine! haah made quite a loss on the first day! Its just a game of pure luck! No skill involved! So we went there two days in a row, and i made money on the second day! haha yay! Oh something very funny happened! I was like standing behind one of the machines with mum carrying our 'winnings' heh, and then this crown staff approached me! I was quite scared of first, like why would he wanna approach me? DId i do something wrong? hahaha . But in fact, he asked me if i wanted to be a crown member. He offered to give me a card to play with and it had 5 dollar value inside! Of course i said, yes and so i got my membership card! hahahaha. How weird, the poorest girl there gets to be a member! hahaha. Anyway enough about the casino story. We basically spent most of our time apartment hunting! I felt like real grown up! looking at the website for houses and calling up property agents! haha, we went to see quite a few! Pretty fun i must say! But i think so far, one of the apartments, uropa, is probably the best so far! Really hope to get an apartment there! Pray for me people!.So my ten days with my parents were amazing! Thanks mum and dad for coming down! I miss you all already!
Ok, so now for the first week of school since the holidays ended! this week was really hectic! three assignments due this week! Econs, finance and law. Blah! im glad its over but now ive another qm assignment due next fri! Its 4 weeks to exam! scary stuff!! But that means i get to go back to sunny singapore real soon! Yippee! haha tons of things to do when i return..learn my friends...try golfing maybe haha...cant wait! Anyway hope everyone is doing well in singapore! i miss everyone !
Ok, so now for the first week of school since the holidays ended! this week was really hectic! three assignments due this week! Econs, finance and law. Blah! im glad its over but now ive another qm assignment due next fri! Its 4 weeks to exam! scary stuff!! But that means i get to go back to sunny singapore real soon! Yippee! haha tons of things to do when i return..learn my friends...try golfing maybe haha...cant wait! Anyway hope everyone is doing well in singapore! i miss everyone !
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
2 days into my holiday
Its the second day into my holiday now. Well, holidays have been pretty all right so far, except for the assignments and all. I spend my entire weekend just chilling out, going out, watching tv and all. And i wake up at like 930 every morning! haha. Im trying to catch up on my sleep. The weather has been sunny and good the past few days. Except the wind today seems extremely strong, i can hear my windows rattling, leaves rustling and all! Strong wind in melbourne is nothing unusual really. Mum and dad are arriving in 2 days =) Its been pretty long since i last saw them. Last year, i used to see them everyday on webcam and all but now we dont use webcam anymore cos its too laggy and irritating. So our form of communication is the phone! What would i do without my handphone! GOsh, i realise im so dependent on it, guess everyone in this IT savvy era is. Oh on friday i went shopping with michelle! it was a pretty fun day although we came back empty handed! But i explored almost the entire melbourne city. We did random walking where we just walked into tiny lanes , where we discovered tons of small cafes and interesting eateries. I never knew such places actually existed. Shopping here isnt that fantastic, considering that its rare that i dont buy anything when i go on my shopping trips. I just couldnt find anything that i really fancied. Oh wells, i shall save up and wait for my end of year shopping. We took tons of pretty pics too! Think i'll post some here since my bro always says that i never post pics at all! Thats true, i havent posted any pics that i have taken here. Ok i shall do that this time. All right so its photos for all to enjoy now =)

Wednesday, September 13, 2006
I'm so tired! I spent the entire week studying for my qm test, and finally its over! The paper was pretty hard though, sigh, all that studying didnt really help! Thank Goodness its only 10 percent. At least i tried my best =) Life has been pretty all right so far, havent really gone out much. I realise i stay home alot on aussie. In singapore, i feel the urge to go out every day! Shopping , eating, meeting friends or whatever. But when im here, im a real hommie person. Funny isnt it? I thought ill go out more often when im here but somehow i dont seem to find the time. Another three days to spring break! i cant wait for it! Two whole weeks of holiday! Thats what i really need! Unfortunately, ive 3 assignments due after that. Mid semester breaks are never really breaks cos assignments are always due once school starts. Sigh! But i'll definitely take a few days off to eat, shop and just enjoy myself! I really need that ! But ive tons of catching up to do. I just realised that once school term starts , it will be 4 weeks to exam! How fast!! But that means i get to go back soon! YAY! looking forward to christmas shopping! =)
I'll be heading out for dinner with andrea and gary soon! Its PAPA GINOS for us =) Italian food! I miss eating outside food! Im so sick of cooking and all. I seem to have run out of ideas on what to cook ! I shall go and look for more recipes and learn a few more dishes! Ok, i shall head for dinner now =) Hope everyone is doing great! I miss you all! =)
I'll be heading out for dinner with andrea and gary soon! Its PAPA GINOS for us =) Italian food! I miss eating outside food! Im so sick of cooking and all. I seem to have run out of ideas on what to cook ! I shall go and look for more recipes and learn a few more dishes! Ok, i shall head for dinner now =) Hope everyone is doing great! I miss you all! =)
Saturday, September 09, 2006
To my dearest fiona smith! =)

This is dedicated to ya FIONA JANE SMITH! Thanks for being such an awesome friend fi! You are just the sweetest girl alive and its been an amazing 5 years since i know you! I'll always remember all the sweet things you have done for me, the cookies on my birthday, the lovely tags you drop on my blog, the fun times we had in sec school, the outing we had at fish and co where we just sat there for hours talking with pei! I'll cherish all these great memories fi! Thanks for everything!! I know ur leaving for england tomorrow night babe! And its gonna be a while before we'll meet again!! I'm gonna miss ya fi! Come back to singapore as often as you can k? DO take care loads and cheers to many many more years of friendship!! Remember we have to skype when ya reach england!! LOVE YA LOADS!
Friday, September 08, 2006
cold and wet night!
Its been raining the past few days in melbourne. Pretty unusual i must say, considering that melbourne rarely rains and that explains the shortage of water here. But the weather has been pretty weird lately. Melbourne is pretty well known for having four seasons in one day, and i thought that was just some kinda myth, but no it really isnt. There was one morning, where i walked out and it started to rain. I took out my umbrella and had to brave the strong wind and flying rain. Thinking that it was gonna be a wet day, i was proud of myself that i actually remembered the brolly when i came out. BUTT just when i thought i was being smart, the next minute it became so HOT! The sun was shining and all. How bizarre is that!! Yes and then i kept my brolly and after class when i came out it was pouring again! haha . what a weird weather ! But it is this kinda weather that gives you a headache, hot, cold, hot cold... this sucks haha. But its been a pretty cold spring so far. Not the usual hot and sunny spring but a really wet and cold one. Ok enough about the weather.
The september holidays are coming! YAY . But i still have another week to go and one more test to do before the break starts. Time passes pretty quickly, more than half a semester is gone and after the semester break it will be mugging for the exams! WOW thats fast, exams again! I cant wait for all this to be over! I want to go to hawaii and japan at the end of this year!! My bro is going or wants to go to hawaii and i want to go with him! Its gonna be a great brother and sister bonding session! =) What i really need is good breaks and good holidays!! Im really looking forward to my 3 mths break at the end of the year! There is so much to do, learning how to drive, holidays, catching up with friends, spending time with the family and so on. Tons of stuff to do and im all excited just thinking about it! And i want to go to japan too! i love that place!! The land of snow-hokkaido!! I miss japan and i really cant wait to go back there again!! In the meantime, its studying time ...suffer first and enjoy later!! Hawaii and japan here i come!!! hahaha! =)
The september holidays are coming! YAY . But i still have another week to go and one more test to do before the break starts. Time passes pretty quickly, more than half a semester is gone and after the semester break it will be mugging for the exams! WOW thats fast, exams again! I cant wait for all this to be over! I want to go to hawaii and japan at the end of this year!! My bro is going or wants to go to hawaii and i want to go with him! Its gonna be a great brother and sister bonding session! =) What i really need is good breaks and good holidays!! Im really looking forward to my 3 mths break at the end of the year! There is so much to do, learning how to drive, holidays, catching up with friends, spending time with the family and so on. Tons of stuff to do and im all excited just thinking about it! And i want to go to japan too! i love that place!! The land of snow-hokkaido!! I miss japan and i really cant wait to go back there again!! In the meantime, its studying time ...suffer first and enjoy later!! Hawaii and japan here i come!!! hahaha! =)
Monday, September 04, 2006
Its been pretty long since i last blogged, and so much has happened since then. One extremely sad and devastating news. My granddad passed away on saturday the 2nd of september. I was really shocked when i heard the news, i had no idea that the last time i said goodbye would be my last goodbye to my grandfather. But, i know that now his pain and suffering has ended and im sure that he is in a better place now. Like my brother said 'He is a fighter' Yup, he definitely is. He has been holding on for many years and we are all proud of him. I feel kinda sad that i cant attend his funeral and stuff cos im so far away. But its the good memories that ill always hold onto and that ill never forget him. Thanks to all of my lovely friends who comforted me and encouraged me. i really appreciate it =) This is to my grandfather! Goodbye yeye, you will be dearly missed ...
On a different note, i handed up my essay today. Finally ive finished it. After so much research and time spent on it ! Its all over ! But now ive another assignment coming up and a test . But its all good. I cant wait for my September holidays! Its coming in 2 weeks. And my parents will be coming over. I’m really excited and happy =) I haven’t seen them for almost 2 months and I miss them. Guess my family must be really busy now and im not sure if they will read this, but hope all of them are fine and they’ll take good care of themselves. For me, now I realise how fragile life is and we must really treasure our loved ones around us =) . Hope everyone is doing well.
On a different note, i handed up my essay today. Finally ive finished it. After so much research and time spent on it ! Its all over ! But now ive another assignment coming up and a test . But its all good. I cant wait for my September holidays! Its coming in 2 weeks. And my parents will be coming over. I’m really excited and happy =) I haven’t seen them for almost 2 months and I miss them. Guess my family must be really busy now and im not sure if they will read this, but hope all of them are fine and they’ll take good care of themselves. For me, now I realise how fragile life is and we must really treasure our loved ones around us =) . Hope everyone is doing well.
Thursday, August 24, 2006
Bad, Wet day
I had a great morning greeting from a bird today! When i was walking past one tree, i saw something fall from the sky..not something, a few wet drops, i thought maybe it was water!! But boy was i so wrong!! I think it was birdshit and one landed on my pants!!! Gosh, i had to run to the toilet to wash it off!! haha what a way to start my day, i had not even gone for my first class yet!! And after class, i realised it was raining so i wanted to take out my umbrella, and sure enough in such a rush, i cut myself deep on my finger. I didnt even realise it immediately, until i felt a sharp stinging pain on my finger then i realised blood was oozing out! Yucks! haha guess bad things always happen one after the other!!
On a different note, ive been pretty busy lately with my law essay , tons of researching and reading , and planning, and ive a macroeconomics assignment due next week which i havent started! Its assignment period now, or rather i call it the stressful periodd and the weather hasnt been of much help!!! The rain, the cold and all makes me really really sleepy! Every night, im like dozing off on my study table at like 10 something at night!! its terrible !!! i blame the weather!!! haha.
I've been having really bad cravings recently!! I was like thinking of Goodwood park hotel's taiwan porridge and the soya milk!! and like all my local food!!!! Thats bad i tell you! Oh and just two days ago, i had this craving for Brunetti's cake!!! i wanted something sweet and all! haha why am i having so many food cravings? Must be stress! It always makes me think of food!! But i shall resist.....erm...yeah i will try not to succumb to temptation !!!!!
How's everyone doing back home?? I really miss my family, my dear relatives and friends!!! Wish everyone was here now!!! Im counting down till the time mum and dad comes here in september!! Mum was so funny . '10 days more to handing up ur law essay jas!! '' I was like "mum , you are stressing me!!!' then she said ' no , actually cos im counting down to the day i go to melbourne! i havent sat in a plane for a long time!!'.
haha isnt my mother so cute!! i cant wait for them to come over too! Then i will have great company !! ONe more month to their arrival!! YIpee!! For now, its more assignments and all!!
On a different note, ive been pretty busy lately with my law essay , tons of researching and reading , and planning, and ive a macroeconomics assignment due next week which i havent started! Its assignment period now, or rather i call it the stressful periodd and the weather hasnt been of much help!!! The rain, the cold and all makes me really really sleepy! Every night, im like dozing off on my study table at like 10 something at night!! its terrible !!! i blame the weather!!! haha.
I've been having really bad cravings recently!! I was like thinking of Goodwood park hotel's taiwan porridge and the soya milk!! and like all my local food!!!! Thats bad i tell you! Oh and just two days ago, i had this craving for Brunetti's cake!!! i wanted something sweet and all! haha why am i having so many food cravings? Must be stress! It always makes me think of food!! But i shall resist.....erm...yeah i will try not to succumb to temptation !!!!!
How's everyone doing back home?? I really miss my family, my dear relatives and friends!!! Wish everyone was here now!!! Im counting down till the time mum and dad comes here in september!! Mum was so funny . '10 days more to handing up ur law essay jas!! '' I was like "mum , you are stressing me!!!' then she said ' no , actually cos im counting down to the day i go to melbourne! i havent sat in a plane for a long time!!'.
haha isnt my mother so cute!! i cant wait for them to come over too! Then i will have great company !! ONe more month to their arrival!! YIpee!! For now, its more assignments and all!!
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
It has been pretty long since i last blogged, so much so that dad asked if there was something wrong with his computer cause the my last post was on the 6th of August ! Yes, indeed its been almost 10 days since i last blogged. Now, im kind of down with the flu, and i have NO VOICE! im in fact VOICELESS!! that really sucks ! Trust me. I think i have a very lousy or weak 'voicebox', im always losing my voice as all my friends tell me. I can still remember losing my voice six times in sec 2.
How amazing how someone can lose their voice so often? Well, im definitely a living proof! Life has been pretty busy so far, tons of assignments coming up! Many deadlines to meet and all, its always this period of the term where everyone gets really busy with assignments and all. I'm just another victim. Mum is sounding so much better now, compared to her really husky voice last week. I think there is a new kind of virus that can spread through the handphone! haha , thats how mum spread to me i think! NOW im the one with the very husky voice!! Everyone says i have a very sexy voice now! Thanks for the compliment but no Thank you! haha. I hate having no voice! Its like when i talk to my friends or parents , half the time they are like going 'HUh? What did you say?', so much so that i dont quite feel like talking anymore! Oh well, enough about me being voiceless!
The wind totally is absOultelyfreakingly STRONG! Its so scary, it sounds like there is going to be a typhoon here! I can almost feel myself being blown away! (thats how strong it is). Well, as i always say, Melbourne weather is weird! One day its hot and sunny, the next day its SUPER WINDY! the country with 4 seasons in one day-MELBOURNE!
my dear friends in acjc are into their third day of prelims now. Hope all is going well for them!! I miss everyone! Friends , family and all! and my dear val lee just told me she wont be going back to singapore till april next year! That is sad news!! Anyway, i shall hang in there for the time being!! Assignments , readings and all!! AH!! Back to the books i shall go! Love everyone back home !!!
How amazing how someone can lose their voice so often? Well, im definitely a living proof! Life has been pretty busy so far, tons of assignments coming up! Many deadlines to meet and all, its always this period of the term where everyone gets really busy with assignments and all. I'm just another victim. Mum is sounding so much better now, compared to her really husky voice last week. I think there is a new kind of virus that can spread through the handphone! haha , thats how mum spread to me i think! NOW im the one with the very husky voice!! Everyone says i have a very sexy voice now! Thanks for the compliment but no Thank you! haha. I hate having no voice! Its like when i talk to my friends or parents , half the time they are like going 'HUh? What did you say?', so much so that i dont quite feel like talking anymore! Oh well, enough about me being voiceless!
The wind totally is absOultelyfreakingly STRONG! Its so scary, it sounds like there is going to be a typhoon here! I can almost feel myself being blown away! (thats how strong it is). Well, as i always say, Melbourne weather is weird! One day its hot and sunny, the next day its SUPER WINDY! the country with 4 seasons in one day-MELBOURNE!
my dear friends in acjc are into their third day of prelims now. Hope all is going well for them!! I miss everyone! Friends , family and all! and my dear val lee just told me she wont be going back to singapore till april next year! That is sad news!! Anyway, i shall hang in there for the time being!! Assignments , readings and all!! AH!! Back to the books i shall go! Love everyone back home !!!
Sunday, August 06, 2006
another week has passed
Its yet another sunday again. Well, this week was pretty eventful, the biggest change from last week to now is probably the fact that im 18 now =) Yups, im so called legal now. My birthday was a pretty quiet affair this year, but i still had my cake and a big meal. Well, i cut the cake twice in singapore, one with the family at home where mummy ordered my favourite butterfly lana chocolate cake and it was a joint celebration with aaron and his durian cake. I really enjoyed that night, we had hotplate and steamboat. Great food and great company. =) Now i really miss my family and relatives back home ! Anyway the second one was with pei and fi! A mini affair where we were at fish and co , and we decided to hold an early celebration for us august babies! We ordered a nice chocolate cake and blew the candle together! That day was simpy great, i love meeting my darlings . How we just sat there for hours talking and photowhoring. hah fun stuff! And this is to pei !! HAPPY BIRTHDAY MA PEISHAN!! U ARE LEGAL NOW! three days to fi's birthday and we will all be legal ! =)
Tomorrow would be the third week of school. DEadlines are screaming at me and yes, i can already feel the pressure. But i know that with God's grace he will see me through. I know this is nothing compared to what my dear friends in singapore are experiencing now. Prelims start tomorrow for my ac girls and i want to wish them the very very best. Sam, cheryl ang, Yanny,liz, adelle, and lots more , you gals can do it! just hang in there and it will all be over soon! I'll be praying for you girls. If i was in singapore studying now, i guess i would be in the exact position.
On a different note, Australian idol has began. haha . I watched it just now, it was pretty good. THe standard is very high. Anyway, i shall end here. I hope everyone is doing well! I miss everyone !
Tomorrow would be the third week of school. DEadlines are screaming at me and yes, i can already feel the pressure. But i know that with God's grace he will see me through. I know this is nothing compared to what my dear friends in singapore are experiencing now. Prelims start tomorrow for my ac girls and i want to wish them the very very best. Sam, cheryl ang, Yanny,liz, adelle, and lots more , you gals can do it! just hang in there and it will all be over soon! I'll be praying for you girls. If i was in singapore studying now, i guess i would be in the exact position.
On a different note, Australian idol has began. haha . I watched it just now, it was pretty good. THe standard is very high. Anyway, i shall end here. I hope everyone is doing well! I miss everyone !
Sunday, July 30, 2006
The day started out pretty sunny, but oh was it so wrong!! Its super chilly today! And the strong gusts of wind are not making things any easier for me. Its really bad, cos this cold wind kinda sinks into ur bones, its such an odd feeling .
Ok, things i did today:
1) Church in the morning
2) Lunch at some jap place (yummy food!)
4)Flea market near crown (oh and the crazily yummilicious pancakes!!!)
5)elizabeth street!
6)Dominoes pizza
haha thought i'll just change the format today. That pretty much sums up the stuff i did today! Quite alot for one day!! PEi! im trying to update as much as i can!! haha. Anyway, i miss everybody tons!! Ive been back for about a week already! TIme really flies! so thats all i've to blog for now!! Till then, love you all!
Ok, things i did today:
1) Church in the morning
2) Lunch at some jap place (yummy food!)
4)Flea market near crown (oh and the crazily yummilicious pancakes!!!)
5)elizabeth street!
6)Dominoes pizza
haha thought i'll just change the format today. That pretty much sums up the stuff i did today! Quite alot for one day!! PEi! im trying to update as much as i can!! haha. Anyway, i miss everybody tons!! Ive been back for about a week already! TIme really flies! so thats all i've to blog for now!! Till then, love you all!
Thursday, July 27, 2006
Fourth day in school !
The fourth day of school just ended for me. It was quite a good day today, good company and all. I had two lectures today, intro macro and finance. SO the day started out with me meeting carina at a cafe near the commerce building. Carina is like my lecture pal now, with two similar lectures back to back. Then we met Jeremy, Ben and Mel outside the lecture theatre. Im amazed at how crowded the lecture theatre was . Can you imagine like it was a HUGE theatre yet there were not enough seats so much so that people had to sit on the floor? ok I was amazed . THen it was lunch at threshermans for us, carina, jeremy, ben, harry and wen. Great company but lousy food. Ok i think ill never return back to the place again. I thought the beef tasted like lamb which is totally off boundaries for me. Anyway, we headed for bubble tea after that thinking we were really early but BOBBA is so fAR. Yes we regretted it after we were like reaching that place. ANyway, to cut a long story short , we were not that early, yes we had to run for lectures only to realise it had not started . BUt yet again, finding a seat was almost impossible! Nonetheless, it was a good day. Just spoke to mum just now =)
So my last few days have been pretty ok. Oh we had Okunimiyaki (wrong spelling i think ) well its japanese pizza . Gary and Andrea cooked it. IT was nice, it was my first time trying it so thought it was interesting. Before that we went to Max Brenner for the much needed chocolate drink and sugar rush. I felt so drained and tired, maybe its the weather. haha. Anyway everything has been pretty good so far, good food, company and all. First week of school is kinda scary too cos thats when u know all the deadlines for the diff subs, assignments and more assignments. Oh well, thats part of uni life!! No escaping !
And so its spaghetti tonight. Sauce is courtesy of Andrea and Gary! Hope everyone is good !! =) miss you all .
So my last few days have been pretty ok. Oh we had Okunimiyaki (wrong spelling i think ) well its japanese pizza . Gary and Andrea cooked it. IT was nice, it was my first time trying it so thought it was interesting. Before that we went to Max Brenner for the much needed chocolate drink and sugar rush. I felt so drained and tired, maybe its the weather. haha. Anyway everything has been pretty good so far, good food, company and all. First week of school is kinda scary too cos thats when u know all the deadlines for the diff subs, assignments and more assignments. Oh well, thats part of uni life!! No escaping !
And so its spaghetti tonight. Sauce is courtesy of Andrea and Gary! Hope everyone is good !! =) miss you all .
Saturday, July 22, 2006
back in melbourne!
Im back in melbourne now after one solid month of holiday in Singapore. I must say i really enjoyed myself in singapore. All the shopping, eating, outings and so on. Now, im back to independence again. Guess it will probably take me a while to adapt back . The change in weather, the starting of my cooking again, getting used to staying by myself and so on. Im kind of looking forward to a new term and all. New challenges, new classmates, new subs and all.
ANyway, thank you mum and dad for all the good food you provided me when i went back and thanks mum for being the best shopping partner ever. =) Well, four months of hard work and then its my three month break again! haha . The temperature when the plane first touched down was supposedly 6 degrees. haha what a total contrast to the weather back in SIngapore. Thank God for his grace, i went through customs pretty easily without having to open my bag. But the worst part is always the immigration part , there was such a long queue, think i waited in line for slightly more than half an hour. But thats pretty normal, with all the international students returning and all!
So thats my little update, will probably have to start unpacking and all!! Will update soon! Love you all!
ANyway, thank you mum and dad for all the good food you provided me when i went back and thanks mum for being the best shopping partner ever. =) Well, four months of hard work and then its my three month break again! haha . The temperature when the plane first touched down was supposedly 6 degrees. haha what a total contrast to the weather back in SIngapore. Thank God for his grace, i went through customs pretty easily without having to open my bag. But the worst part is always the immigration part , there was such a long queue, think i waited in line for slightly more than half an hour. But thats pretty normal, with all the international students returning and all!
So thats my little update, will probably have to start unpacking and all!! Will update soon! Love you all!
Saturday, July 08, 2006
life in singapore
Ive been back for about three weeks and its been awesome. Good food, great shopping, great company and all! One word , enjoyable. In about 13days time ill be heading back to cold cold melbourne. Well, gearing myself for a new term , a new semester. I kinda know that its gonna be challenging but im ready to embrace what shall come my way. Anyway, thought ill write a little about what ive been doing so far. Shopping is the main thing. haha like always. Oh and i watched superman yesterday with my bro and robyn. HMM i didnt like it at all. Thought it was too slow moving, didnt quite like the storyline and all. But as my bro said , Superman is like a must watch show . So there you go, i just had to watch it. Yesterday had a great time with my dear aunts and mum. WE spent the entire day shopping, having meals together and all. Totally enjoyed myself . My aunts are the best! =) Its really nice when you spend quality time with the ones you love, its like you really cherish every moment you have with them. Met up with marian on thurs! Yay so happy to meet my girl ! haha its nice cos marian and i can just have endless stuff to talk about . So glad that she is still looking good and it was nice to hear her stories about perth.
im trying to recall what ive been doing the past few weeks. haha OH OH i went on a little ramen tour with my mum. We call it our ten commandments. Top ten places to eat ramen in singapore! haha. NICE NICE food, I didnt know that there's so many places that have such great tasting ramen in singapore!! ive 8 more to go hopefully ill be able to accomplish this goal ive set for myself!! haha. hmm just thinking about it makes me hungry again!!
Well, another 13 days to go and im really gonna make full use of it and really enjoy myself!! ill try and update whenever free!! oh ya im such an avid fan of football now! totally caught in the world cup fever!! haha awesome stuff!! i actually got up at 3 am on two days!! haha . Yes so unexpected and so unlike me!! but i dont know why but im totally hooked onto it. =)
~my holiday in singapore has been great! ~
im trying to recall what ive been doing the past few weeks. haha OH OH i went on a little ramen tour with my mum. We call it our ten commandments. Top ten places to eat ramen in singapore! haha. NICE NICE food, I didnt know that there's so many places that have such great tasting ramen in singapore!! ive 8 more to go hopefully ill be able to accomplish this goal ive set for myself!! haha. hmm just thinking about it makes me hungry again!!
Well, another 13 days to go and im really gonna make full use of it and really enjoy myself!! ill try and update whenever free!! oh ya im such an avid fan of football now! totally caught in the world cup fever!! haha awesome stuff!! i actually got up at 3 am on two days!! haha . Yes so unexpected and so unlike me!! but i dont know why but im totally hooked onto it. =)
~my holiday in singapore has been great! ~
Thursday, June 15, 2006
YAY!!! FINALLY my exams are over !!! and off i am tomorrow morning to fly back to my sunny singapore!!! yippeee!!! im so happy. Its been such a tiring semester and what i need now is a VERY GOOD BREAK AND ALOT OF RETAIL THERAPY!! GReat SIngapore sale welcome the crazy shopper !!! haha i so so cannot wait to shop till i drop, meet all my favourite babes in singapore! SAM, CHERYL, LIZ, YIANG, MARIAN, YANNY, LYN, PEI AND LOTS AND LOTS MORE!!! Let the party begin!!! haha. ok im really happy that its all over. i can forsee credit cards going bust and all.. haha opps bad thing to say. ok. Anyway so tired now. only slept for like four hours yesterday. NO not because i was studying but because the stupid fire alarm went off at like 445 am ,.!!! and after that i couldnt sleep and the crazy world cup fever that is turning my world upside down with the crazy people shouting and cheering at like 4 in the morning! IM TIRED SUPER TIRED!! but the thought of singapore can only make me more refreshed and much happier!!! singapore here i come!! haha. So my parents were such darlings and booked all my fave restaurants for me, jap food tomorrow night and chinese food the day after. Yippeee i miss the food back home!! one thing that i will miss abt melb is probably the weather. Think its gonna take me a while to adjust back to the crazy humidity back home!! but other than that, im all set to head home!! havent been back for a few months and the thought of going home is absolutely awesomE!! yay!! ok i shall get back to packing, my flight is super early tomorrow and i had better not oversleep! haha like i will! i cannot wait to see everyone!! Catch ya all in singapore VERY SOON!!! LOve to all! =) =)
Saturday, May 27, 2006
end of semester one!
My first semester of university life has just ended. Next week is swot vac (which means intensive mugging) and then it will be the exams, followed by home. Time passes really fast here. Now its all out for the exams. Pray for me people that everything wil go well and that i will hang in there for the next few weeks. Its been quite a tiring semester but im glad its all over. Now its time for me to mug very hard. Ive tons to do and very little time but i trust God that he has perfect plans for me and that he will guide my all the way through my exams! Oh well, at least ill get to go home real soon!! YAY! haha. I cannot wait for my much needed one month break. Hope everyone back home is doing well =)
Well, for me now its all about being discipline and determined to strive and do well. Ill do my best and let God do the rest. I particularly like this verse, " For i can do everything with the help of christ who gives me the strength i that we can do the things he planned for us a long time ago" . When im stressed ill always think of this verse. Ok its time for me to go back to my books! Pray for me people and a little encouragement will go a long way =) Love everyone back home!
Well, for me now its all about being discipline and determined to strive and do well. Ill do my best and let God do the rest. I particularly like this verse, " For i can do everything with the help of christ who gives me the strength i that we can do the things he planned for us a long time ago" . When im stressed ill always think of this verse. Ok its time for me to go back to my books! Pray for me people and a little encouragement will go a long way =) Love everyone back home!
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Which one is ours?!?!
Saturday, May 20, 2006
Life without a laptop for almost two weeks was pretty weird. Its quite scary when i think abt it, how we are so dependant on the laptop that life seems almost empty without it. Im really happy i got it back, but really sad i lost all my info, photos, songs. Yes, stupid harddrive had to be replaced. Oh well, guess everything happens for a reason. Its been quite a while since i last blogged, well pretty obviously since i didnt have a laptop. Life has been really busy and stressful the past few weeks. With the exams around the corner and TONS to study and catch up. Sigh. Last night i decided to go for OCF. Yes, im like never there that when everyone saw me they were like" where have ya been?" and all that. I mean i usually cant afford the time to go but somehow last night i just felt like there was a calling for me to go. Ya weird but ya. Cos like when i finally got my laptop back i downloaded msn and finally went online after so long . The first person to msg me on msn was one of my cell friends. She told me that she was going to lead worship and all and asked me if i was going. She said somehow she felt God was going to create a miracle and touch people's lives that night. Then carina msged me and asked me to have dinner with her. She asked me if i was going for cell and all. And two days ago , lynette asked me the same thing. Maybe God was trying to tell me something through all these special people =) Anyway i went and i absolutely loved the worship. THe guy leading was jeremy, one of my friends. He was awesome! I mean i felt that whatever he said really spoke to me. Abt casting all your cares and worries to God and that at this time of struggle for alot of people we just had to trust him and that we can be reassured with his presence. Wow, i felt totally touched by him. I loved the worship, i could feel that God was just there amidst a crowd of people most of whom were burdened inside by work and worries. Its a tough time for everyone now and everyone was really casting their cares and worries to God and just wanted to trust him for he is always there for us.
Anyway, on a different note, it was good to see carina, We had chocolate pizza, calamari and minestrone soup. Yummy stuff. I really enjoy spending time with her. Oh and this is to Samantha FOk, HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY BABE!!! I know i was suppose to dedicate an entry to her for her birthday but i had no laptop and i lost all my photos ! But im glad she loved the card =) Anyway, think im gonna eat lunch now and head back to the bookS!!
Anyway, on a different note, it was good to see carina, We had chocolate pizza, calamari and minestrone soup. Yummy stuff. I really enjoy spending time with her. Oh and this is to Samantha FOk, HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY BABE!!! I know i was suppose to dedicate an entry to her for her birthday but i had no laptop and i lost all my photos ! But im glad she loved the card =) Anyway, think im gonna eat lunch now and head back to the bookS!!
Sunday, May 07, 2006
saturday night!

It was saturday night dinner with nicole! We went to eat at a japanese restaurant, called Yuzu or something. Haha its a stone-grill restaurant. Food was good, the tonkatsu salad was awesome, the stonebowl was nice, and ice chocolate was good. Had a great dinner, though i was so full i couldnt walk. haha. Anyway , its been quite a while since i last blogged. Oh i finally got my exam timetable!! Im going home on the 16TH OF JUNE!!! YAY im so happy and i cannot wait to go back!!!! BUT, my exams start really early, that means that ive to mugg really hard for the next few weeks!!! Oh well, i just cannot wait to go home!! The weather here has been really bad the past few days, wet, super duperly cold, and dark. Im like freezing now!! Guess winter is gonna start soon, though autumn isnt over cos the leaves have not fallen yet! Anyway,its back to the books for me now! =)
Sunday, April 30, 2006
Friday night : Carina and me =)

That was the dinner date we had!! Finally got to meet up with this babe after not seeing her for three weeks!! It was so great, the talking, the eating, the milo lattes that we had and the mee pok!!!
Unfortunately, i wasnt feeling well after the meal. I think i drank too much milo latte!! I left ocf early and this lovely girl walked me out in the dark cos she feared for my safety! She is so sweet! thanks carina ! Anyway, had a wonderful dinner with her !
Thursday, April 27, 2006
what an experience!
Finally i handed in my two essays. What an experience! i mean the past few weeks were really stressful, the research, the planning, the writing. Pretty nightmarish actually! But i guess thats part of the learning experience and thats just the start of my uni life, I kinda know what to embrace in the near future. Hmmm...anyway now ive more assignments and tons of catching up to do before the exams! Ah! It seems like a non-stop process. Work, work and more work. Guess thats what students do anyway. Feeling rather tired, guess its cos of the late nights and all. I even dream of my essays! haha scary isnt it! Oh well, for now i'll just have to keep my fingers crossed. As they say, "do ur best and let God do the rest". Thats really my fave phrase which i always remind myself especially when i get really frustrated.
Anyway, i finally got to see the pics of the new car! Thanks bro for posting the pictures! It looks really nice and white. Hmm i thought it was suppose to be light blue or something?? haha im really looking forward to sitting in the new car when i get back at the end of june! I cant wait to go back in june! im getting withdrawal symptoms now, with no shopping and everything! i cannot wait to go back and shop and eat all my fave food. Its about two months from now. Really looking forward to it. Meeting my friends, spending time with my family and all! How exciting! but for now, its just mugging for the exams and doing my assignments!! Oh well, suffer first and enjoy later!
Hope everyone is doing well back home! And congrats dad! Looks like the new car is really a lucky charm! haha ! Oh and pls exclude me from all that walking! Yes, you are right im really gonna slow both u and mum down! I would rather sit in the new car and travel around singapore!!! Anyway, going to cook my dinner soon! It shall be salmon, brocolli and rice tonight! yay healthy meal (i think!) ! And i shall go off to cook now! =)
Anyway, i finally got to see the pics of the new car! Thanks bro for posting the pictures! It looks really nice and white. Hmm i thought it was suppose to be light blue or something?? haha im really looking forward to sitting in the new car when i get back at the end of june! I cant wait to go back in june! im getting withdrawal symptoms now, with no shopping and everything! i cannot wait to go back and shop and eat all my fave food. Its about two months from now. Really looking forward to it. Meeting my friends, spending time with my family and all! How exciting! but for now, its just mugging for the exams and doing my assignments!! Oh well, suffer first and enjoy later!
Hope everyone is doing well back home! And congrats dad! Looks like the new car is really a lucky charm! haha ! Oh and pls exclude me from all that walking! Yes, you are right im really gonna slow both u and mum down! I would rather sit in the new car and travel around singapore!!! Anyway, going to cook my dinner soon! It shall be salmon, brocolli and rice tonight! yay healthy meal (i think!) ! And i shall go off to cook now! =)
Sunday, April 23, 2006
Old Pics, Old Car and New Car
end of easter
Today is the last day of my easter holiday. Well, time passes really quickly cos just not too long ago i was talking about the start of my one week easter break. This week really wasnt a holiday for me. I had a "long date' with my essays. haha. Oh well, just gonna do my best and let God do the best. I mean it was a really stressful week for me and all. But i guess all things happen for a reason for ill just have to hang in there. ANyway on a brighter note, mum finally got her new car. According to mum and dad, brendan is totally obsessive with it! haha u go bro! Heard u got up really early to wash the car and all and refused to let the maid touch it! How i wish i could sit in the new car! Oh wells, two more months and i'll be home ! i cant wait at all! The weather here has been pretty cold. I mean though i havent left the house for a few days but im its pretty cold in my room! At least there is the heater! Anyway i better get back to my essays! Love you all! =)
Thursday, April 20, 2006
Hello baby elephant, byebye camry!
Today marks the arrival of our new car! haha ! I heard everyone back home is really excited! haha i wish i could be apart of this fun rather than slogging my guts out for the essays! =( oh well, so sad the camry is gone! I mean i think i sat the most in the camry, i mean besides mum of course. Lots of memories and all attached to the car. The tears, blood and sweat. Ok im getting a bit too descriptive here and some may think im exaggerating! But really im not! Those were my schooling and bowling days! Yups , it all seems so long ago! Oh well, guess that marks a new chapter in everyone's life! Hope everyone will enjoy the new car! Im looking forward to sitting in it in two months! Till then, i love you all! =)
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
chocolate muffins!
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
Last night was pretty scary. In fact, its the night ive been most afraid. I mean ive never heard such a loud howling of the wind and like u can hear the leaves outside rustling and stuff. Ok maybe my explanation isnt good enought but if u were here u would definitely understand. It was strong that my lights actually flickered, i was so frightened that there would be a blackout. ha . what an eventful night! I turned up the volume of my music cos i really didnt like the howling sound of the wind! It was so creepy! i mean ok if it happened back home i wouldnt be afriad. Maybe cos i was all alone thats why i began to get the chills. Oh well, glad that ordeal is over! Hope it doesnt happen tonight again! The wind here can really get so strong! I thought it was like some hurricane or typhoon ! Yes, im not exaggerrating! I think im just not used to it, cos like there are no tall buildings blocking my apartment so i get the direct impact of the wind!
Ok enought abt last night! Life for me has been pretty all right! I mean its like im at home almost everyday doing my essays and stuff . Sometimes i get really frustrated and stuff but thank goodness there is FRIENDS to keep me entertained. Yup, FRIENDS the sitcom. I think im pretty backward cos like most pple have watched the entire season and im only on season 1 !! =)
Anyway sunday was nice cos i talked to marian on the phone! MY marian in perth! She was playing tai tee when i was talking to her! But its really nice talking to her cos she always makes me laugh with her hilarious stories! And i totally didnt know this girl could cook!!! haha ! Im waiting for her to cook for me! In fact, she was suppose to come to melbourne this easter and bunk with me! But she changed her mind last min! HMm hope she comes the next time! And yesterday it was talking to hui yiang on msn! Yay she bought me a tee from Barcelona!! thanks so much babe! =) I cant wait to see them in june! i Miss them!
In a short while, ill be going for lunch and to safeway with nicole! Yes , think i need to take a walk instead of being stuck at home! I did cleaning this morning! Cleaning of the toilet! haha. Suddenly felt the urge to clean! Oh and thanks bro for the nice chinese songs!! I love them! i absolutely love chinese songs! Somehow they make me really happy! =) I hope there is more that he can send . *hint* =) I'm missing everyone back home! i heard the baby elephant is coming this thurs! Yes brendan is very excited! ha but im gonna miss the camry! =( aw! But new car is good! just that by time i return to singapore in june the car would be two mths old! Hope it still has the new car smell! haha i love that smell! Anyway hope everyone is doing well !! Love you all! God bless !
Ok enought abt last night! Life for me has been pretty all right! I mean its like im at home almost everyday doing my essays and stuff . Sometimes i get really frustrated and stuff but thank goodness there is FRIENDS to keep me entertained. Yup, FRIENDS the sitcom. I think im pretty backward cos like most pple have watched the entire season and im only on season 1 !! =)
Anyway sunday was nice cos i talked to marian on the phone! MY marian in perth! She was playing tai tee when i was talking to her! But its really nice talking to her cos she always makes me laugh with her hilarious stories! And i totally didnt know this girl could cook!!! haha ! Im waiting for her to cook for me! In fact, she was suppose to come to melbourne this easter and bunk with me! But she changed her mind last min! HMm hope she comes the next time! And yesterday it was talking to hui yiang on msn! Yay she bought me a tee from Barcelona!! thanks so much babe! =) I cant wait to see them in june! i Miss them!
In a short while, ill be going for lunch and to safeway with nicole! Yes , think i need to take a walk instead of being stuck at home! I did cleaning this morning! Cleaning of the toilet! haha. Suddenly felt the urge to clean! Oh and thanks bro for the nice chinese songs!! I love them! i absolutely love chinese songs! Somehow they make me really happy! =) I hope there is more that he can send . *hint* =) I'm missing everyone back home! i heard the baby elephant is coming this thurs! Yes brendan is very excited! ha but im gonna miss the camry! =( aw! But new car is good! just that by time i return to singapore in june the car would be two mths old! Hope it still has the new car smell! haha i love that smell! Anyway hope everyone is doing well !! Love you all! God bless !
Thursday, April 13, 2006
Good friday and easter
Its good friday tomorrow and easter on sunday. My holidays officially start tomorrow and its for exactly a week. However, this holiday wont be really a holiday cos ive to rush two law essays, which are due after the hols. Oh well, i guess easter holiday is never really a holiday here . Its for us to catch up on our work and to do our assignments. I guess thats what university life is really about. I remember still having my easter holidays last year when i was in trinity. I went to mt dandenong and went shopping in the suburbs, somehow i had more time to spare then. Time passes rather quickly , cant believe all that happened about a year ago.
My friends are going for easter camp tomorrow. I'm giving that a miss cos its quite long , 4 days and 3 nights and i dont think i can afford the time. In fact, ive friends going back to singapore too. Haha its only a week but everyone is going to so many different places. For me, my room is where i shall be , to do my assignments . Oh well, im just looking forward to june so i can eat shop and party again! Suffer first and enjoy later! Guess ill just have to remember that! Anyway, miss everybody loads!!! =)
My friends are going for easter camp tomorrow. I'm giving that a miss cos its quite long , 4 days and 3 nights and i dont think i can afford the time. In fact, ive friends going back to singapore too. Haha its only a week but everyone is going to so many different places. For me, my room is where i shall be , to do my assignments . Oh well, im just looking forward to june so i can eat shop and party again! Suffer first and enjoy later! Guess ill just have to remember that! Anyway, miss everybody loads!!! =)
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
cold and wet day!
Its such a cold and wet day today! Ok the day didnt start out like that in fact in the morning when i peered out of my window it looked pretty sunny. ANd i was very very wrong. The moment i stepped out that was a gust of wind. Not an ordinary gust but a HUGE AND STRONG one. How deceiving melbourne's weather is. And after my class ended at one , it started to get dark and all. I went for lunch with a friend cos we were going to the law library to found some stuff for the essays. It was very unfruitful in the library. We didnt know we had to set up a printing account to print stuff and that it could take one day to be activated. And actually most of the stuff we can find it online and in the comfort of our own home. Somehow the air in the library is exceptionally still. The tension is so great . haha and i dont know why. I get irritated cos we cannot talk but have to whisper. haha yes i dont know why i find the lib a really cold place. Oh well, i had better get used to it cos thats where ill have to do my research for the next five years. FIVE? wow that suddenly seems really long. Anyway because i went to the lib i missed my package!! DHL came to cs but i wasnt home so they will have to deliver it tomorrow. Its so troublesome cos like cs doesnt allow them to leave the package at the counter even if i authorise them to. What a stupid policy.! Thank goodness the guy from dhl called me up just a while ago to say that they would deliver it frm 9-10 tomorrow morning. Just before i go for my class. I was so worried that they would deliver it again and i wont be home. Thank goodness they are coming early in the morning. I hope they actually do and not just make empty promises. Anyway im eating chicken stew tonight. The suggestion was given by mummy and aunty margaret . Yes, im running out of stuff to cook. And thanks to them im having something different tonight. haha thanks for the suggestion! Its dark already! The only thing i hate about winter is that it gets dark easily. Its only 630 now and its pitched black. Haiya. I got caught in the rain today . And i had to take a bath and wash my hair cos i was getting a headache. Funny how rainwater gives you a headache. Oh yar i just remembered. Ive to blog about this crazy blue black i have on my leg. Yes i fell down and it happened at home. How stupid right? You see, i heard the fire alarm the same one that i had to evacuate last time. BUt this time it wasnt my building , in fact i dont know where it came from. So i wanted to look at my window and see where the sound was coming from. I tripped over the blue leg rest and fell and hit my leg against the wooden part of my sofa. It was so so painful. Now its all bruised and stuff. Feel so clumsy. Sigh. I should really look where im going in future.
Ok enough from me now, im going to eat my dinner now! Anyway hope everyone is good back home!! LOVE YOU ALL!
Ok enough from me now, im going to eat my dinner now! Anyway hope everyone is good back home!! LOVE YOU ALL!
Sunday, April 02, 2006
Daylight Saving
Melbourne is now TWO hours ahead of singapore! NOT THREE!! haha ok yay now i get an extra hour of sleep ! The weather here has been really cold . Apparently today its like 11-17 degrees. Yikes ok its a sign that autumn is here. But then again the weather here is so freak that often its too unpredictable. The weekends are ending and its gonna be a brand new week of school oh and it is a brand new month; April. This cold weather makes pple very sleepy or rather it makes me very very sleepy! I had to keep slapping myself to wake up. Thats one of the bad things abt winter. Its so nice and cold to sleep. =) I had to sleep with two comforters last night! That was how cold it was yesterday. Hope everyone is doing well back home!! I miss everyone !
Thursday, March 30, 2006
What a title right? yeah i couldnt think of any title so thought ill just put the date! I'm so tired! Just handed in my micreconomics assignment today. What a relief! I mean i stayed up till like one something two to do it. I hope it went well, if it didnt i cant be bothered already i tried my best. Oh well, i didnt go for night class today. Ok i wont call it slack. My whole body is aching and all, feel a little tightness in my throat.. Nopes not a good sign but after having a good meal (yes, i cooked ) and after drinking barley water i feel much better. Maybe this was what i really needed . A night of rest. I find it so hard to find time to even sit down and really rest. I do have a hectic life. But i shant overburn myself cos ive a long long way to go! I guess im done with all my commerce assignments for the time being. But guess what Ive Law assignments now. And just when i was stressing out over 10 percent for my accounting and econs assignment , guess what? My law assignments are 50% ( HUGE GULP!) . I've two essays and their due dates are just two days apart. BUt i shall not fear cos i know the Lord will help me =) Oh well, i guess one can only call themselves an achiever when they have gone through difficult times and are able to survive them and come out well. Im so gonna be that kinda person! I mean uni life is hectic and tiring with constant assignments and all. But i shall look upon them as challenges. I shall overcome these challenges and conquer them one by one! haha now im sounding like Hercules. But yeah im just gonna do my best ! Hope everyone back home is doing fine. Oh i must send cheryl ang's card tomorrow! Its her birthday on sunday and i want her to get the card by then!!! Easter is coming in two weeks!! But no its not really gonna be a holiday coz ive two assignments due immediately after the break. WHoever said easter was a break!! Oh well, i miss everyone back home!!
Saturday, March 25, 2006
The weekends is here !
The weekends are finally here! =) yay my long awaited weekends. Its been pretty hot the past few days. Everyone is wearing spag top or sleeveless. Ha i thought it was suppose to be autumn! Melbourne's weather is so weird. How's everyone ?? Dad's in Bangkok now i think. Heard he's coming back tonight. That leaves mum all alone at home! haha wonder if she's enjoying this freedom. heh. My week was hectic this week, with tons of assignments and tests at the same time. It seemed a bit overwhelming at first but I'm sure God makes things happen for a reason. I mean ive been thinking about what studying overseas means and yeah it really isnt easy. But as mum says its a learning experience and that we will all emerge much stronger than before. Thats true i guess, im mean like having to cook, wash, study and having to juggle many other things is a bit hard at first but i guess it takes getting used to. As dad says , the only way to survive through short term difficulties is to look long term. I guess thats very true. Im sure what lies ahead is alot sweeter and nicer and im definitely gonna look ahead. Oh well, on a less serious note. I went for cell group last night. I went for OCF melbourne uni. That was my third time there. Its like a usual practice for us to go for supper after OCF so we went to some italian place along lygon. I was so full from eating the mee pok before ocf that three of us shared wedges and each drank an ice chocolate.! Ah im gonna be so fat from all that supper!! Ok i will control!! haha.. I hope everyone is enjoying themselves back home! I miss everyone tons and i cant wait for june to see everybody again!! In the meantime, with God's grace and strength , I will accomplish my goals and trust that he will help me =)
Friday, March 10, 2006
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