Saturday, May 20, 2006


Life without a laptop for almost two weeks was pretty weird. Its quite scary when i think abt it, how we are so dependant on the laptop that life seems almost empty without it. Im really happy i got it back, but really sad i lost all my info, photos, songs. Yes, stupid harddrive had to be replaced. Oh well, guess everything happens for a reason. Its been quite a while since i last blogged, well pretty obviously since i didnt have a laptop. Life has been really busy and stressful the past few weeks. With the exams around the corner and TONS to study and catch up. Sigh. Last night i decided to go for OCF. Yes, im like never there that when everyone saw me they were like" where have ya been?" and all that. I mean i usually cant afford the time to go but somehow last night i just felt like there was a calling for me to go. Ya weird but ya. Cos like when i finally got my laptop back i downloaded msn and finally went online after so long . The first person to msg me on msn was one of my cell friends. She told me that she was going to lead worship and all and asked me if i was going. She said somehow she felt God was going to create a miracle and touch people's lives that night. Then carina msged me and asked me to have dinner with her. She asked me if i was going for cell and all. And two days ago , lynette asked me the same thing. Maybe God was trying to tell me something through all these special people =) Anyway i went and i absolutely loved the worship. THe guy leading was jeremy, one of my friends. He was awesome! I mean i felt that whatever he said really spoke to me. Abt casting all your cares and worries to God and that at this time of struggle for alot of people we just had to trust him and that we can be reassured with his presence. Wow, i felt totally touched by him. I loved the worship, i could feel that God was just there amidst a crowd of people most of whom were burdened inside by work and worries. Its a tough time for everyone now and everyone was really casting their cares and worries to God and just wanted to trust him for he is always there for us.

Anyway, on a different note, it was good to see carina, We had chocolate pizza, calamari and minestrone soup. Yummy stuff. I really enjoy spending time with her. Oh and this is to Samantha FOk, HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY BABE!!! I know i was suppose to dedicate an entry to her for her birthday but i had no laptop and i lost all my photos ! But im glad she loved the card =) Anyway, think im gonna eat lunch now and head back to the bookS!!

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