Thursday, March 30, 2006


What a title right? yeah i couldnt think of any title so thought ill just put the date! I'm so tired! Just handed in my micreconomics assignment today. What a relief! I mean i stayed up till like one something two to do it. I hope it went well, if it didnt i cant be bothered already i tried my best. Oh well, i didnt go for night class today. Ok i wont call it slack. My whole body is aching and all, feel a little tightness in my throat.. Nopes not a good sign but after having a good meal (yes, i cooked ) and after drinking barley water i feel much better. Maybe this was what i really needed . A night of rest. I find it so hard to find time to even sit down and really rest. I do have a hectic life. But i shant overburn myself cos ive a long long way to go! I guess im done with all my commerce assignments for the time being. But guess what Ive Law assignments now. And just when i was stressing out over 10 percent for my accounting and econs assignment , guess what? My law assignments are 50% ( HUGE GULP!) . I've two essays and their due dates are just two days apart. BUt i shall not fear cos i know the Lord will help me =) Oh well, i guess one can only call themselves an achiever when they have gone through difficult times and are able to survive them and come out well. Im so gonna be that kinda person! I mean uni life is hectic and tiring with constant assignments and all. But i shall look upon them as challenges. I shall overcome these challenges and conquer them one by one! haha now im sounding like Hercules. But yeah im just gonna do my best ! Hope everyone back home is doing fine. Oh i must send cheryl ang's card tomorrow! Its her birthday on sunday and i want her to get the card by then!!! Easter is coming in two weeks!! But no its not really gonna be a holiday coz ive two assignments due immediately after the break. WHoever said easter was a break!! Oh well, i miss everyone back home!!

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