Its the second day into my holiday now. Well, holidays have been pretty all right so far, except for the assignments and all. I spend my entire weekend just chilling out, going out, watching tv and all. And i wake up at like 930 every morning! haha. Im trying to catch up on my sleep. The weather has been sunny and good the past few days. Except the wind today seems extremely strong, i can hear my windows rattling, leaves rustling and all! Strong wind in melbourne is nothing unusual really. Mum and dad are arriving in 2 days =) Its been pretty long since i last saw them. Last year, i used to see them everyday on webcam and all but now we dont use webcam anymore cos its too laggy and irritating. So our form of communication is the phone! What would i do without my handphone! GOsh, i realise im so dependent on it, guess everyone in this IT savvy era is. Oh on friday i went shopping with michelle! it was a pretty fun day although we came back empty handed! But i explored almost the entire melbourne city. We did random walking where we just walked into tiny lanes , where we discovered tons of small cafes and interesting eateries. I never knew such places actually existed. Shopping here isnt that fantastic, considering that its rare that i dont buy anything when i go on my shopping trips. I just couldnt find anything that i really fancied. Oh wells, i shall save up and wait for my end of year shopping. We took tons of pretty pics too! Think i'll post some here since my bro always says that i never post pics at all! Thats true, i havent posted any pics that i have taken here. Ok i shall do that this time. All right so its photos for all to enjoy now =)

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