I was just looking at the number of posts i've done since this blog was set up and i realise this is my 200th post! haha, so thats an average of 60 plus entries a year. Wow! That's quite alot. Anyway, week 4 is finally over, which means a third of the semester has past! Time passes pretty fast, and that also means that over the next few weeks, the work load is going to get seriously alot heavier, with assignments due and mid semesters all coming up within the next three weeks. I pray the Lord will watch over me over that period, as i go through a pretty hectic part of the semester. It has been raining quite a bit the past few days, esp today, its been raining since early in the morning. Because of the rain, the current temp is like 7 degree celsius, which is pretty cold. Over the past few days, i've been experimenting with new dishes like on monday we had pizza, self made pizza and then on tues we had fried bee hoon with chilli, chicken and prawn. The pizza was all right, the crust wasnt that fantastic, but the ingredients were all right. THe bee Hoon was pretty all right, i quite enjoyed it, haha i cant believe im praising and talking about my own cooking. Anyways, ill post pictures of the food we had last week, which was rice and dishes, and pizza this week!

This weekend ill be very busy doing my take home exam for contracts. I pray that God will watch over me and give me the wisdom to answer the questions well and be able to hand a good piece of work up on monday morning. This is my first take home exam and im praying that everything will be good =) Okays, back to work now, i've to revise for contracts now. ill update soon! xoxo
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