Monday, August 25, 2008

the hectic period is here...

And so i just handed up my law take home exam this morning. It was due at 10am, so i had to drag myself out of bed early, and set two alarm clocks fearing that i wouldnt be able to wake up. But anyways, its all over now. I did my best and whatever the result i just leave it in God's hands. It goes without saying, that everytime i hand in a law assignment, im always wondering 'did i forget an issue? did i will cover all that needed to be covered?'. Its such an open ended subject that is up to us to argue, yet there are some sort of fixed answers to it. Oh wells, no use fearing for its all over now.

The next three weeks are going to be very very hectic. I've a mid semester test and an assignment due next week, and i've a project meeting this friday which i have to prepare as well. And then the week after i've another mid semester test! The middle of the semester is always the busiest period, and somehow everything seems to be due at the same time, which is seriously annoying. The mid semester test next week, is for one of the hardest commerce subjects, derivative securities, so i seriously have to study very hard for that.

Oh yes, on another note, the olympics are finally over =( Thats pretty fast, 16 days of good entertainment for me. Now, Australian Tv is back to its boring mode again, but oh wells just in time for such a busy period for me. Okays, i got to go to school already! I'll update when i next have time! =)

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