Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Korkor's very special day! =)

So today is korkor's very special birthday!!! =) Due to work commitments and all, we could only have a mini celebration for him in the comfort of our home. We had sukiyaki at home, it was a debut and i must say it was pretty successful! We are all so full and satisfied now. For a change, we even had a packet of wagyu beef to add to the normal shabu shabu beef, and it was pure awesome! It was soft and the sort that leaves a really good after taste in ur mouth. After that, mum and i placed a candle on a cupcake and went in to korkor's room to surprise him, singing him a birthday song and all. We took a few pictures, which will pretty much sum up the night! haha sorry bro, i know ur cake was way too small, but hey at least for the first time 'you can have ur cake and eat it too!' haha. Anyway we love you loads and a very HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!! =) So these photos are also very daddy, so that he at least knows how we spent the day here. We wish you were here too dad! =) Okay, let the photos do the talking now!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY ONCE AGAIN!!!

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