Wednesday, October 15, 2008

week 10 is ending...

The third last week of school is gonna end tomorrow! that means exams are in about a months time! Oh wells, need to buck up, study and do my utmost best! Since its my last semester of commerce, hope everything ends with a bang! The parents are currently here in melbourne! =) And mummy is cooking now, yay finally good old home cook food. Although i try as much as possible to match the standards of mum and aunty margaret, i always feel im still many standards below them! And so now, im just waiting and looking forward to good good food!

27th november is the day im flying back. That means its slightly more than a month. Loads to cover, loads to study, loads to revise! ahhh...i shall persevere for i know the good Lord is watching me and guiding me each step of the way!!! JIAYOU jaslyn!!! im looking forward to hk and christmas!!! Hopefully, this shall spur me on too! =)

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