This week marks the last week of my commerce degree. Well, hopefully! haha. Tomorrow is the last time i'm having commerce lectures. If you ask me if i'm sentimental, i would say that i would not miss the course or the lecturers or whatever. But i guess i'll miss seeing friends in commerce lectures and tutorials, alot of whom i've got to know in my trinity year and some of whom i began to know when we did group projects. Attending commerce lectures and tutorials are always heart-warming in a sense, cause i get to meet alot of familiar people, and at least class looks alot less boring. From here on, i guess everyone is going to take different paths, some going back to their respective countries, some staying here to get PR. For me, its two more years of law, which im kinda looking forward to but a bit apprehensive about what lies ahead.
So i shall dedicate this post to my commerce friends. I've had a really good time with them over the years, alot of memories which i will keep down the road, may everyone's future be very bright indeed! Since the world isnt such a big place after all, maybe one day we'll all cross paths again! =) Tomorrow im having lunch with one of my friends that i did project with last sem, this is what i mean by friendships fostered during my commerce degree.
Okays, for now back to the books! so that i can actually say a clean bye bye to commerce at the end of nov, and hello to more law subjects the next two years!!!