Friday, October 19, 2007

enough of staring at the laptop screenn......

My eyes are totally criss crossing, i officially hate staring at the laptop screen for hours and hours on end. It sucks but its not like i have much of a choice. I've been trying to type my law notes out for more than a week and obviously im not done since its never ending. And i realise i spend countless hours a day staring at this very screen. Firstly, i bring my laptop to law classes which are 2 hours per seminar and a grand total of 8 hours a week. Plus, loads of notes typing these few weeks has increased the number of hours i stare at the screen by twofold or more. Sigh. i'm beginning to really get sick of this computer screeen but i know once my law papers are done on the 7th and 8th, i promise i will not stare at any more computer screens for the next few months! Sigh, one more week left of school and two weeks plus to exams! i can already feel the tremendous pressure building up! im in dire need of more motivation and persevarance. As it is for now, i begin to feel the exam preparation take its toll on me, totally draining me and making me wonder how im gonna squeeze all that information into my brain. But i guess as they say 'the going gets tough, the tough gets going'. ok, just a short update or rather an avenue for me to rant about my daily misfortunes of having to stare at this computer screen ! Totally mindless stuff, but i just couldnt bear to see my blog look totally dead. Anyways, its back to typing more exam notes.

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