Sunday, October 28, 2007
Daylight Saving!
Melbourne is currently 3 hours ahead of Singapore due to daylight saving! So its super long days and short nights now.
Friday, October 26, 2007
Goodbye Second Year...
Today marks the last day of my second year in university! and its the last day of semester 2, 2007! Overall, i pretty much enjoyed this entire semester. I can't believe its the last day of school already! Time really flies and its less than a month before i head back to sunny singapore! I'm pretty much looking forward to it but i'm dreading the hot and humid weather back home. Anyways, this semester was pretty good and different in that korkor is here and its always good to have a close family member with you when you are faraway from home. Somehow the loneliness just doesn't kick in as much and its always good to have someone to talk to all the time. Cheers bro, you've been a rather good housemate this semester! So its swot vac week next week, which is also mugging like crazy week! there is just tons to do, and so little time that i'm getting a little jittery and scared. But i know with God's grace and help i'll be able to overcome any difficulties that may arise. Anyways, here its byebye to second year of uni, and i do hope to end it off with a 'bang' in terms of outstanding resullts. So for now, i've just gotta work super hard and all. I guess i'll probably miss school a little now that the next time i attend school will be next march. So i decided to take a few photos in school yesterday and today! And its also cos Harry (my korean friend) will be going for exchange next semester so i won't be seeing him in a year! And also Olivia who may leave for exchange the semester after! So who knows when we'll all be in the same lecture and classes again! and so i'll stop here and let the pictures sum up the last two days of school...

Friday, October 19, 2007
enough of staring at the laptop screenn......
My eyes are totally criss crossing, i officially hate staring at the laptop screen for hours and hours on end. It sucks but its not like i have much of a choice. I've been trying to type my law notes out for more than a week and obviously im not done since its never ending. And i realise i spend countless hours a day staring at this very screen. Firstly, i bring my laptop to law classes which are 2 hours per seminar and a grand total of 8 hours a week. Plus, loads of notes typing these few weeks has increased the number of hours i stare at the screen by twofold or more. Sigh. i'm beginning to really get sick of this computer screeen but i know once my law papers are done on the 7th and 8th, i promise i will not stare at any more computer screens for the next few months! Sigh, one more week left of school and two weeks plus to exams! i can already feel the tremendous pressure building up! im in dire need of more motivation and persevarance. As it is for now, i begin to feel the exam preparation take its toll on me, totally draining me and making me wonder how im gonna squeeze all that information into my brain. But i guess as they say 'the going gets tough, the tough gets going'. ok, just a short update or rather an avenue for me to rant about my daily misfortunes of having to stare at this computer screen ! Totally mindless stuff, but i just couldnt bear to see my blog look totally dead. Anyways, its back to typing more exam notes.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Exams are coming...
Its three and a half weeks to exam! ah! the thought of that is pretty scary, which means im going to be super busy trying to catch up with my work now! but that means its about 6 weeks to singapore =) ok, so its crazy mugging for the next few weeks...i shall work really really hard so that i'll be able to fully enjoy my three solid months back in singapore! there will probably be a lack of posts on this blog cos i prob won't have the time and my life probably wouldnt be that exciting over the next few weeks! Anyway, I pray that God will watch over me and give me full concentration and the determination to study really hard. So its back to work now =) Hope all is well back home!
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