Yesterday was a pretty long day! Firstly i had lunch with my old school classmate, nat lee! It was awesome, just two of us, eating good vietnam food, spendiing good quality girl time. i love those fun times. Its so nice to have another fellow mg girl with me in melbs. Here is a pic we took together at the national day party at velour =)

nat and i =)
I had an oral negotiation exercise yesterday, it was pretty interesting. We went to the moot court area on the 5th floor, but unfortunattely i didnt get to see a real moot court, we were placed in one of those holding rooms! but it was good, considering i've never gone higher than the 3rd floor in the law school! My grp is made up of entirely 4th year students, but they are nice and its awesome to mix with older law students cos you get to learn alot from them. Law school is great, except for the assignments though, but on the whole its interesting and i love it =) DInner last night was spent eating maggi noodles at home! COnsidering that i end class at 615 and my bro has a presentation today (which he apparently did awesome at, why am i not surprised? haha ur awesome bro!) , we decided that maggi noodle was our best option! But obviously that wasn't enough cos both of us were so hungry the rest of the night! Well, we decided to make up for it by having a 'good' meal today! Good is in inverted comas because we havent been to that place before. Its called Formosa and its in the suburb, we drove past that place the last time we drove to philip island! Its some Taiwanese restaurant and lets hope it does justice to taiwanese food. Ok, i'll try and take pictures later and post it up soon!
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