Saturday, March 03, 2007

End of the first week of school

Its been exactly a week since i arrived back in melbourne. I had a rather hectic first week and the crazily hot weather definitely makes things alot worse! Anyway, i came back to a brand new house (which of course is the great part), haha but the bigger the house means that there is alot more cleaning to be done. Thank goodness mummy is here to help me clean up and unpack! I didn't realise i had so much stuff until we started unpacking! Its madness. I do indeed have alot of junk for one person! Its a case of bringing all my items here and bringing nothing back to singapore. But anyway, lots of vaccuming , cleaning, laundry and all those stuff were done this week! It was indeed a very very tiring week. But i know that this semester will definitely be alot more tiring than that! So i'll just have to hang in there! Settling down takes a while i suppose, especially after the very long summer holidays. Back to the usual mad rush here. Buying books, notes, running for lectures and tuts. Back to the usual uni cycle, that i probably am getting re-adjusted back after the long hols. Anyway, uni has kicked in and its back to mugging and being super discipline for the brand new semester! I'll post some pics, when i do get the chance to take some! haha. Take care everyone and all are very much missed! =)

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