Its been raining the past few days in melbourne. Pretty unusual i must say, considering that melbourne rarely rains and that explains the shortage of water here. But the weather has been pretty weird lately. Melbourne is pretty well known for having four seasons in one day, and i thought that was just some kinda myth, but no it really isnt. There was one morning, where i walked out and it started to rain. I took out my umbrella and had to brave the strong wind and flying rain. Thinking that it was gonna be a wet day, i was proud of myself that i actually remembered the brolly when i came out. BUTT just when i thought i was being smart, the next minute it became so HOT! The sun was shining and all. How bizarre is that!! Yes and then i kept my brolly and after class when i came out it was pouring again! haha . what a weird weather ! But it is this kinda weather that gives you a headache, hot, cold, hot cold... this sucks haha. But its been a pretty cold spring so far. Not the usual hot and sunny spring but a really wet and cold one. Ok enough about the weather.
The september holidays are coming! YAY . But i still have another week to go and one more test to do before the break starts. Time passes pretty quickly, more than half a semester is gone and after the semester break it will be mugging for the exams! WOW thats fast, exams again! I cant wait for all this to be over! I want to go to hawaii and japan at the end of this year!! My bro is going or wants to go to hawaii and i want to go with him! Its gonna be a great brother and sister bonding session! =) What i really need is good breaks and good holidays!! Im really looking forward to my 3 mths break at the end of the year! There is so much to do, learning how to drive, holidays, catching up with friends, spending time with the family and so on. Tons of stuff to do and im all excited just thinking about it! And i want to go to japan too! i love that place!! The land of snow-hokkaido!! I miss japan and i really cant wait to go back there again!! In the meantime, its studying time ...suffer first and enjoy later!! Hawaii and japan here i come!!! hahaha! =)