So today marks the last day of school of the first semester of my 4th year! Actually not quite, since i've one more class on tuesday since my teacher went on strike that day and are having a make up class for that. But still, the content and substance have all been taught and now its just revision time!! i've tons to cover and tons of notes to do as well. Time is running out and i am having a very frantic race against time. I wish time could just stop and allow me to finish revising first. AH!!! i've 3 very very heavy subs and very very little time left. I pray that God will watch over me and grant me the determination and wisdom and that he will see me through this very difficult time. I felt really stressed in school today, it was like a wave of anxiety that overwhelmed me for a while. The conclusion is : I REALLY NEED TO STUDY VERY VERY HARD!!! i need to PUSH myself to the limit!!!! Its only a few more weeks of suffering and it will be enjoyment after that. Hopefully this positive thinking can get me through this very tiring and trying times.
Anyway, on a very different note, the bro and i ate fried rice and campbell soup tonight. I decided to cook since there are not many days left for korkor to taste my cooking! hahaha. NOT that it is great though! anyway, about one and a half hours after dinner, the bro said he was hungry! so fast right? he had this sudden craving for eating some souvlaki. So we called for delivery. two chicken souvlaki and chips and two soft drinks. it was a set that costs us 20 dollars. Its pretty worth it. BUT im SO full now! i cant believe i ate two dinners tonight! and all these is thanks to the bro and his hunger pants! Now im sitting here feeling very bloated and slightly uncomfortable. i really think i overate. =( But it was pretty good i must say. haha. okays, i better get back to work now!!!
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Monday, May 25, 2009
one battle has ended and another has just started!
I finally handed up my take home exam today after 4 very tiring days! But im just glad its over! Whatever the outcome is, i think i've done my best! And i must say thank you to the bro! he was very nice to buy me food and snacks to keep me going! THANK YOU! =)
But now its time to study for the exams that are just two weeks away! So much to cover and so little time! AH! I better 'cheong' this two weeks!!! It's really like a race against time! And this is also the last week of school for me!! im almost done with my first semester of 4th year!!! =) i just gotta hang in there a little longer!
Anyway tomorrow is korkor's last day at uni and also last day of his schooling life!!! WOW! Lucky boy! no more school for him after this and soon he will be stepping into the corporate world!! ENJOY YOUR LAST DAY AT UNI BRO!!!! =) aww...that means no more waking up early and leaving for school together!! =( i guess i will miss rushing him for school. When we are going for morning classes that start at 9, im always the kanchong one and say 'HURRY UP, LATE ALREADY!' . haha sometimes i get so impatient i even leave first! haha. Oh wells, this marks the end of 2 very fantastic years with him here! =) It'll always form part of my good memories of melbourne!
Okay, these are some photos that we have taken but just havent gotten around to putting it up! Enjoy!

But now its time to study for the exams that are just two weeks away! So much to cover and so little time! AH! I better 'cheong' this two weeks!!! It's really like a race against time! And this is also the last week of school for me!! im almost done with my first semester of 4th year!!! =) i just gotta hang in there a little longer!
Anyway tomorrow is korkor's last day at uni and also last day of his schooling life!!! WOW! Lucky boy! no more school for him after this and soon he will be stepping into the corporate world!! ENJOY YOUR LAST DAY AT UNI BRO!!!! =) aww...that means no more waking up early and leaving for school together!! =( i guess i will miss rushing him for school. When we are going for morning classes that start at 9, im always the kanchong one and say 'HURRY UP, LATE ALREADY!' . haha sometimes i get so impatient i even leave first! haha. Oh wells, this marks the end of 2 very fantastic years with him here! =) It'll always form part of my good memories of melbourne!
Okay, these are some photos that we have taken but just havent gotten around to putting it up! Enjoy!

Thursday, May 21, 2009
The hibernation starts in 4 hours and 40 mins!
So at exactly 3pm aussie time my take home exam will be released!!! Okay, let me put on my 'prosecutor cap' and prepare for a 'fun' three and a half days with all the evidence!!! =) I pray for God's blessings to be upon me throughout this time!!!
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Week 11!
And so we are into week 11 now! In other words, it is also the second last week of school! Tensions are rising, eyebags are growing and attendance in classes are suddenly soaring! This is definitely a sign of the up and coming exams. And i've one in just two days time! Will time please slow down? It's seriously moving too fast for my liking. I wish there was a stop button where i can press it and everything would just come to a halt while i try and catch up with whatever i need to do. Anyway, it's also the bro's second last week of uni life!! I can't believe he's gonna graduate soon! Time really does fly! It seems like only yesterday where he was talking about joining me in melbourne and now we are talking about his graduation already. But i must say that he's been an awesome housemate the past two years or so and that i've enjoyed all the fun times we've shared in melbourne! Well, as they say all good things must come to an end, and i have to enjoy his company while i still have it for the next few weeks!
Okay, so its back to the books!! I shall read more of my evidence notes now!!! STUDY STUDY STUDY!!!!!
ps: i know there is a serious lack of photos on this blog! i promise i will post them up once my take home exam is over!
Okay, so its back to the books!! I shall read more of my evidence notes now!!! STUDY STUDY STUDY!!!!!
ps: i know there is a serious lack of photos on this blog! i promise i will post them up once my take home exam is over!
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Week 10 is ending!
Tomorrow marks the end of week 10 for me! I've got 5 hours of class tomorrow and i'll be done for the week. Can't believe that i've only two weeks of school left before its swot vac and exams! Nothing interesting has happened lately, it's been a pretty monotonous routine to school and back home. Haha i'm trying to think very hard what i can blog about, but my life has been so uninteresting lately that i'm seriously cracking my head to think of something. Anyway, tomorrow is my last lesson for evidence and proof before my take home exam next week. I must say this subject is a pretty enjoyable one, it gives me a very different perspective and insight when i watch homicide and detective shows on tv like 'FBI Files' or something because i begin to appreciate how important the police and the prosecutors have to work together to ensure that the perpetrator is brought to justice. Its basically about admissibility of evidence, coming up with the factual scenario and trying to prove your case. It sounds really easy but in practice it's alot more complicated when there are tons of things you've to consider. Hopefully i will be able to do all this in my take home next week. I'm pretty stressed about it and i'm keeping my fingers crossed that it will turn out fine.
On a different note, everybody must read the life section of the Sunday Times this week! There is going to be an article about the chow chow blog that korkor set up! the link is It's gonna be pretty exciting! =) Okay, i guess i've to get back to work now!! Oh yes, Daddy take care in Sri Lanka k? Be very very careful!!! love everyone loads! =)
On a different note, everybody must read the life section of the Sunday Times this week! There is going to be an article about the chow chow blog that korkor set up! the link is It's gonna be pretty exciting! =) Okay, i guess i've to get back to work now!! Oh yes, Daddy take care in Sri Lanka k? Be very very careful!!! love everyone loads! =)
Sunday, May 10, 2009

HAPPY MOTHERS DAY MY DEAREST MUMMMYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!=) THANKS FOR BEING THE BEST MUM IN THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD!!! You are simply the best!!! Thanks for being the best person that i can share things with, the person that can read me without me saying much, best shopping partner,for always being there through my ups and downs and most of all, I thank God for giving me such an awesome mum!!! You've been such a blessing in my life!! I LOVE YOU MUM!!!!!
Saturday, May 09, 2009
Going all out for the exams!
So i finally submitted my property research essay yesterday! Glad that finally it's out of the way and i can focus on my upcoming exams. Its scary how it's only a month away and there is just so much to cover. But nevertheless i will fight on till the end!! I pray that God will give me the discipline and determination! It's about 1 and a half months more to singapore! Anyway, the weather here is really nice and cool these few days. It hasn't been as crazy as what it was a week ago. A week ago it was hovering around the 5-6 degrees region but this week its around 13 degrees. This weather makes it so nice to sleep in, and it gets dark at 5 that the day seems really very short. So today is the 9th of May, exactly 1 more mth on the 9th of June, i would be sitting for my first paper. Why oh why do my exams have to fall on the 1st day? Sigh! Anyway, since there is nothing i can do about it, i must start preparing now.
On a lighter note, we had japanese food last night. The friday jap place that we always go to. I ate the sushi platter, all salmon of course and it was not bad until i ate one piece where the salmon sashimi wasn't fresh! I almost puked and in the end just spat it out. The bro said my face changed colour immediately to green. Yeah, it was pretty bad, so im a little scared of raw food now i think i will stick to terriyaki beef next time. After that, we had french crepes which is next door to this jap place. I ate my usual aumoniere (which is a crepe filled with chocolate, vanilla ice cream and cream). It was heavenly =) I really am a big chocolate fan now. Somehow it makes me feel happy! haha. But talking about that, i had a major chocolate high on thursday night where the bro and i had churros with chocolate dip after having dinner at dessert house. Usually we have a churros (to share) which is a slightly bigger plate for two and a hot cold (hot chocolate with ice cream). But that day, because both of us had a craving and were greedy we ate the churros to share and a single churros plus a hot chocolate. Oh my goodness, after that we were exploding with chocolate overdose!! haha. It was good but maybe a little over the top. Guess we will stick to just one plate to share next time.
I shall get back to preparing my dinner now! We are having chicken rice with frozen breaded chicken with chicken rice chilli and to top it of, egg!
In the meantime, please pray that i will have the discipline to study and prepare for my exams! JASLYN FIGHTING!!!!
ps: thanks Godma for the lovely quotes of encouragement!! you're the best!!!
On a lighter note, we had japanese food last night. The friday jap place that we always go to. I ate the sushi platter, all salmon of course and it was not bad until i ate one piece where the salmon sashimi wasn't fresh! I almost puked and in the end just spat it out. The bro said my face changed colour immediately to green. Yeah, it was pretty bad, so im a little scared of raw food now i think i will stick to terriyaki beef next time. After that, we had french crepes which is next door to this jap place. I ate my usual aumoniere (which is a crepe filled with chocolate, vanilla ice cream and cream). It was heavenly =) I really am a big chocolate fan now. Somehow it makes me feel happy! haha. But talking about that, i had a major chocolate high on thursday night where the bro and i had churros with chocolate dip after having dinner at dessert house. Usually we have a churros (to share) which is a slightly bigger plate for two and a hot cold (hot chocolate with ice cream). But that day, because both of us had a craving and were greedy we ate the churros to share and a single churros plus a hot chocolate. Oh my goodness, after that we were exploding with chocolate overdose!! haha. It was good but maybe a little over the top. Guess we will stick to just one plate to share next time.
I shall get back to preparing my dinner now! We are having chicken rice with frozen breaded chicken with chicken rice chilli and to top it of, egg!
In the meantime, please pray that i will have the discipline to study and prepare for my exams! JASLYN FIGHTING!!!!
ps: thanks Godma for the lovely quotes of encouragement!! you're the best!!!
Tuesday, May 05, 2009
The exam dates are finally out!
9th June: Administrative Law
12th June: Property Law
22 June: Criminal Law
and not forgetting my take home evidence and proof exam from 21st May to 25th May.
My property essay is due in three days time, and once its over, i've to prepare my notes for my evidence and proof exam then at the same time start my revision for my exams since its exactly a month from now. This is going to be a very very crazy month. I expect very little sleep, alot of stress and pimples and alot of hair pulling. There is just SO MUCH to do and SO LITTLE TIME!!!!! HELP!!!! I must hang in there!
9th June: Administrative Law
12th June: Property Law
22 June: Criminal Law
and not forgetting my take home evidence and proof exam from 21st May to 25th May.
My property essay is due in three days time, and once its over, i've to prepare my notes for my evidence and proof exam then at the same time start my revision for my exams since its exactly a month from now. This is going to be a very very crazy month. I expect very little sleep, alot of stress and pimples and alot of hair pulling. There is just SO MUCH to do and SO LITTLE TIME!!!!! HELP!!!! I must hang in there!
Friday, May 01, 2009
the challenges of law school
So its exactly 1 week to handing up my property essay, 3 weeks to my 100% take home exam and about 1 mth plus to the start of exams. And these few weeks, the topic taught in each class seem to get a lot more confusing and challenging. I need to start my revision once my property essay is over. There is just so much to cover and I really need to start NOW. It's the time of the semester where feelings of stress, anxiety, tiredness and everything kicks in. The weather isn't helping either, with temperatures plunging pretty low the past few days. But i just got to HANG IN THERE!!! As they say, when the going gets tough, the tough gets going. These are the challenges of law school i should have anticipated anyway, and it probably will not get any easier. I just pray for the strength to go through tough and trying times, that i will not lose faith and that when i feel weary, I will know that there is always light at the end of every dark tunnel. Okay, i better get back to my essay now!!! JIAYOU JASLYN!!!!!!! (haha this is like psyching myself up!!!)
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