Saturday, October 28, 2006
Daylight saving!
Just to let everyone know that daylight saving starts tomorrow at 2am. So i'll be three hours ahead of singapore! That means one less hour of sleep too! Blah! i don't like daylight saving this time of the year!
Friday, October 27, 2006
Last day of school!
In half an hours time, i'll be going for my last class of the semester! Finance 101. haha. Wow this semester has whoozzed by so fast. And exams are coming soon!! Ah i still have tons to study TONS !!!! Anyway, i pray that God will create a miracle and that he will guide me for the next 3 weeks. Anyway, yesterday i was being so emotional and angry . haha i wanted GOOD FOOD so badly! I was sick and tired of living on crap food. So i went out to eat! Yes i went out to eat on a weeknight. Oh wells, i had jap food and then i bought myself a chocolate frapuccino from starbucks! That made me much happier! I think it must be the crazy stress that im feeling now! I shant let this evil and stupid stress get into me!! I can do it ! I can do it!!! YES I CAN!!!!! I just need to hang in there for now. A few more weeks and it will all be over! Ok enough of my rambling , i shall go and prepare for school! My last lesson of the semester!! Goodbye semester 2!!! ...OOO i can smell the holidays already hahaha......and the exams ! ah...
Sunday, October 22, 2006
Too much too little
Two more weeks to my first paper Macroeconomics. Then one week 'break' (technically its not a break but rather to cramp the other 3 subs in) and then three papers at one go!
6th nov: Introductory Macroeconomics
13th nov: Torts
14th nov: Finance 1
15th nov: Quantitative methods I
This is my exam timetable! So much to cover, so little time! I really need lots of prayer and i know with God's help, i will have the strength to persevere!! I need lots of focus, lots of discipline! AH! I hate it when i find it hard to keep awake or find it hard to glue my eyes to the books! Tomorrow marks the start of my last week of school for the semester and the year! Wow time passes pretty quickly. Ok i guess i'll head to the gym later, it may release endorphines to make me happy, either that or it will make me sleepier! I prefer the former anytime! Ok off to the books now! Torts..torts and more torts =)
6th nov: Introductory Macroeconomics
13th nov: Torts
14th nov: Finance 1
15th nov: Quantitative methods I
This is my exam timetable! So much to cover, so little time! I really need lots of prayer and i know with God's help, i will have the strength to persevere!! I need lots of focus, lots of discipline! AH! I hate it when i find it hard to keep awake or find it hard to glue my eyes to the books! Tomorrow marks the start of my last week of school for the semester and the year! Wow time passes pretty quickly. Ok i guess i'll head to the gym later, it may release endorphines to make me happy, either that or it will make me sleepier! I prefer the former anytime! Ok off to the books now! Torts..torts and more torts =)
Saturday, October 14, 2006
Ok now that all the assignments are FINALLY over, its preparation for my upcoming exams! Three weeks to the real deal, TONS to revise and study! Im going to mug like MAD for the next three weeks, my next 5 weeks (including exams) is gonna be a really stressful time! I shall hang in there and soon it will all be over!!! GO JAS!! (haha self motivation) If you don't hear from me, im probably somewhere buried under a pile of notes and books! I want to do well this sem and i shall! NO PAIN NO GAIN! yes its definitely gonna be very painful now but im looking forward to the holidays so thats a good motivation! Ok off i go to the books! =) Pray for me people that i'll be focused, have the determination and will to hang in there even when the going gets tough! I pray for God's guidance =)
To my babes in singapore studying for their A levels: Hang in there babes! Its a stressful time for all of us but it will be over real soon! Lets just persevere! I'll be praying for you girls!
To my babes in singapore studying for their A levels: Hang in there babes! Its a stressful time for all of us but it will be over real soon! Lets just persevere! I'll be praying for you girls!
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Its a FREAKING HOT DAY!! Out come the shades, the shorts, the flip flops, the spag tops...Rather than enjoying the sun out there im slogging at my qm assignment. Oh wells, one more day of it! Come on jass! This is semester assignment madness... amongst all these madeness i shall find joy in doing all these. Yes, because after this assignment , its mugging for the exams..ok back to qm! Back to microsoft excel....
Sunday, October 08, 2006
DEDICATED TO ELIZABETH LIM =) Happy 18th birthday my dear!

HAPPY 18TH BIRTHDAY ELIZABETH LIM!!! This entry is dedicated to you! Its been an amazing 5 years knowing you liz =) Thanks for being such a good friend. The shopping, the movies, the outings, everything that we've gone through together babe, they are all great memories! I love how we've become much closer over the past 2 years =) Do enjoy this special day babe! Loving and missing ya loads! Cheers to many many more years of friendship! cant wait to see you in nov!
Friday, October 06, 2006
photos of my hols!
End of break....Start of 2nd half of semester
Two weeks of holiday just zoomed by! Now, its the start of the second half of semester! Anyway, my holidays were good! Dad and mum came down for ten days , and i must say i totally enjoyed those ten days =) Great company, awesome homecook food and all . It felt like i was back in singapore ! Lets see what we did this holiday.... Oh i finally could enter the casino! But the stupid security guy purposely took very long to look at my passport. He kept looking at me , then at my passport, then at me again. Annoying guy. It was totally on purpose! Dad wanted me to test out not taking my passport out immediately and see if they would stop me. He said if they did means i still look young if they didnt haha then too bad, it must be that i look way beyond my years . And they did! haha wonder if that is a compliment! The Crown Casino is HUGE! My first time being in there ! And what a surprise i got when i realised that more than half of the people inside were asians! How bizarre is that! Its pretty sad seeing people gamble their hard earned money away! Dad said he brought me to the casino to show me how people throw their money away! Its quite a sad place really, thats what i feel. Anyway , i had my go at the jackpot machine! haah made quite a loss on the first day! Its just a game of pure luck! No skill involved! So we went there two days in a row, and i made money on the second day! haha yay! Oh something very funny happened! I was like standing behind one of the machines with mum carrying our 'winnings' heh, and then this crown staff approached me! I was quite scared of first, like why would he wanna approach me? DId i do something wrong? hahaha . But in fact, he asked me if i wanted to be a crown member. He offered to give me a card to play with and it had 5 dollar value inside! Of course i said, yes and so i got my membership card! hahahaha. How weird, the poorest girl there gets to be a member! hahaha. Anyway enough about the casino story. We basically spent most of our time apartment hunting! I felt like real grown up! looking at the website for houses and calling up property agents! haha, we went to see quite a few! Pretty fun i must say! But i think so far, one of the apartments, uropa, is probably the best so far! Really hope to get an apartment there! Pray for me people!.So my ten days with my parents were amazing! Thanks mum and dad for coming down! I miss you all already!
Ok, so now for the first week of school since the holidays ended! this week was really hectic! three assignments due this week! Econs, finance and law. Blah! im glad its over but now ive another qm assignment due next fri! Its 4 weeks to exam! scary stuff!! But that means i get to go back to sunny singapore real soon! Yippee! haha tons of things to do when i return..learn my friends...try golfing maybe haha...cant wait! Anyway hope everyone is doing well in singapore! i miss everyone !
Ok, so now for the first week of school since the holidays ended! this week was really hectic! three assignments due this week! Econs, finance and law. Blah! im glad its over but now ive another qm assignment due next fri! Its 4 weeks to exam! scary stuff!! But that means i get to go back to sunny singapore real soon! Yippee! haha tons of things to do when i return..learn my friends...try golfing maybe haha...cant wait! Anyway hope everyone is doing well in singapore! i miss everyone !
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