Thursday, August 25, 2005
tiring day!
hey everyone! I know i dont blog very frequently actually i only do when im in the mood to. Well, today was quite a tiring day and all. It was full dress rehearsal for drama today. It went pretty all right just that some forgot their lines and all . But i think overall it was all right. The story line is ok, i wont say that its good. Yeah. Anyway, i guess it depends very much on how we act and portray our character. Drama! It is something i never ever dreamt i would do. Yes, it seems quite beyond me. Like Jaslyn and drama? Yeah, it sounds weird. But then again, ive not much of a choice so i guess i'll just have to try my best. Drama class ended late today, like half an hour late and i had to run to my psych lesson which was so so far away. It was mad! And i think i was marked late cos its the new demea ruling. Demea-(dunno if i got the spelling right) is the govt department that controls all our visas and attendences. Yeah, if like we are 15 mins late, we are considered as absent. But luckily i had a reason and late doesnt count to being absent. Oh well, bad luck i guess! It wasnt even my fault i was late so i think she put late-reaason being drama. Haiz whatever. The weather here has been all right. Quite cold and rainy this month. I'll be going to some art gallery thing for my hoi lesson tomorrow. Its all the way in south bank then ive to rush back for lunch and then next lesson. I think i spend half my life rushing here and there. My legs are killing me. Yes, i miss cars. I havent sat one in like ages. Gosh, now i know what a comfortable life i lead back home. Sigh. Oh yeah i hope i can get the ticket on the 15th. Can u all pray for me that ill be able to get it so i can go back earlier? Hope that i will be off the waiting list soon and get a proper tix. Please help me check dad! thanks! oh yeah i ate char siew rice that i dapoed from foodbowl. I know im suppose to cook but i met my drama friend evan and i was suppose to walk back with him. Then he said he wanted to buy dinner. And yes yes i gave in to temptation and bought it too. It was quite good. I know, how rare of me to actually praise something. I came back and fried an egg to eat with it. It was quite a good dinner. I havent seen my brother or spoken to him in a long while. I wonder how he's doing! I miss him and my Godmother, Rebecca and all my relatives and everything. I miss my parents of course. I cant wait to see everyone again! Anyway i think i will leave it here . Take care everyone ! love you all!!
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
its been long!

hey everyone! its been so long since i last blogged . I was very busy the last weeks with my essays and all. Finally handed them in last friday. What a relief! Now ive a drama exam coming up and eap presentation, followed by exams. Yes yes im really busy. Life has been pretty all right so far, except for the heavy workload and all. Its so so cold today im like freezing here. I think the lowest is seven. Ive to leave soon for my drama practice cos my drama exam is next week and my full dress rehearsal is this wed. I find that time does pass real quick here. Wonder how everyone is doing. Godma ! you have not posted for a long long time . Heard u have some dificulty logging in or something. Hope the problem is solved! really want u to blog! anyway i will post some pics up for everyone to see! It was taken last weekend . anyway i gtg now , take care and i love you all !!
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
its national day!
Happy national day to one and all!! Its the first time this year that no one in my family will be at home! Dad is in china, mum in hongkong and brendan is going back to army soon and im in melbourne! Thats so sad. But i will be having dinner at singapore chomp chomp with my friends tonight i think. Then i'll be watching the parade online. Yes, i know im suddenly so patriotic. But hey, its national day and we all attempted to wear red and white today. It was nice. SU vien was so funny cos she wanted to wear red and white so she wore a skirt and a thin white jacket and she was dying cos it was so so cold. Nice try girl! At least we all know you are patriotic. I attempted to wear white today. Which i kinda did successfully. Well, the air ticket thing can only be confirmed once my timetable comes out. Guess i have to wait before i can make any changes. I believe that if God wants me to go back earlier i will be able to. I'll just leave it in his hands. It is raining now. IT was been raining so often these days! Thats bad cos it only gets colder! How miserable! Dad, you must be on the plan now. DO have a safe trip yeah? Mum must be happily shopping in hong kong! Havent heard from her for a few days. Its all right mum, as long as you buy me lotsa stuff. =P My brother seems to be so busy . But thats good, he is gonna be a successful man one day. I just know it. Heard he was featured in the newpaper or something today. All i can say is wow bro , im really impressed, so much so that im at a loss of words. Its the passion that carries you far. Im proud of you. For me? Ive assignments due next week and stuff so ill do my best and i know that with the Lord guiding me , everything will be done according to his will. Anyway, happy national day to all! Its the first time that our family is like all over the world but then again our hearts are always one! cliche it sounds. haah take care everyone! love you all =)
Tuesday, August 09, 2005
superstar brother!!
WHOA my bro's name appeared in the newspaper today! PODEEJAY!! Impressive stuff. The founder of podeejay is my brother. haha bro, when you become a superstar , dont forget me all right? =P The article is very well written and i bet ya bro that more pple will be visiting ur website ! Its really good cos like with the media advertising for ya guys it will definitely boost ur viewership and stuff. And podcasting will indeed be a biggg thing. anyway just wanna say that ur gonna be a star my bro! Up and rising one definitely ! Ur always have my support !
Monday, August 08, 2005
cold rainy night!
Its a cold rainy night tonight! Its so weird , cos it has been raining in melbourne the past week and its really bad cos it gets really cold and everything. Well, its a sunday yet again. Time does pass quick fast, week after week. Mum left for Hong Kong today. Lucky mummy ! i wish i can go too. Hope i can go at next jan or something. Ive never been there and i want to go there and buy winter clothings! I just got back from a floor party. It was on the 10th floor of arrow. I just went there for dinner and now im back. They were gonna show some movie but i'm not quite interested in watching it. I went to church today. The one at swanston. It was an all girls thing. Su vin, jolene, sarah and me. WE had jap food for lunch at some restaurant at QV. It was quite good . Su vien and i shared a tempanyaki set and a katsu don. It cost us abt 10 dollars each. NOt that bad. It was a good lunch. Talking about everything under the sun . Yes when its all girls , the topics discussed are quite obvious. After that, i came straight home, did my laundry and work. Thats my typical sunday. Oh well, have assignments due soon. Stress level is increasing. Anyway dad, enjoy yourself , im sure you are! Ur like eating bak kut teh and everything. Sigh, im not eating any of those. Another new week of school starts tomorrow. Ive to embrace a whole new week of challenges. =)
Saturday, August 06, 2005
Tuesday, August 02, 2005
down memory lane!
Birthdays! Yes, my birthday is tomorrow.IT seems like yesterday i celebrated my birthday in singapore as a sec4 student. I can still remember vividly, septi(the ex maid) blew balloons for me on my birthday and early in the morning she gave it to me ! Yes it was a pleasant surprise and just when i thought that was all, when i went to school, my friends had already placed my birthday presents on my table ! Hand made cookies and all.After that, when i came back home ! My mum surprised me with her freshly baked cupcakes ! It was so so nice. These memories are the best! Oh yeah not forgetting wah loke! MY fave chinese restaurant ! I have my birthday dinner there for the past two years! And yes not forgetting my huge butterfly birthday cake that mum had specially asked lana to make!! The best looking birthday ever!! Whoa, i absolutely loved my birthday! Time passes so fast now this year im celebrating my birthday away from my family ! Yes, it will probablly be very different! NO more LANA CAKE!! I broke my record of having lana cake since i was born until now! Yes my fave choc cake in the entire world!! No more lana this year! =( so so sad.. Oh well,just thought i would blog on these memories and thoughts! Lovely memories that i would never ever ever forget!

Ive received my birthday present from my parents!! well a temporary one apparently! bUt nonetheless THANK YOU SO MUCH MUM AND DAD! I really loved the card too! it was so so meaningful! I know both of you took so long to choose a card! i really really appreciate it ! Though i cant celebrate my birthday with u all this year but i really appreciate the effort of sending me a present and for raising me the past seventeen years! thank you! I love you all ! =)
Monday, August 01, 2005
its a sunday!

Its a sunday again! yes it has been twenty days since i got back. Today is the last day of July, time does pass quite quickly. Anyway this picture was taken during lunch today. Ok chris ang, was at the lunch table too but because he was outnumbered by girls he had to take the photo! haha. Oh well, yup. Just thought i'll show u the picture. Sunday lunch is the only time i eat in the city. haha so yeah decided to take a pic! anyway take care !!
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